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  1. frank__37

    snowflake moray

    thank you for the info. the tank is 35 gallons and the eel is about 5 inches long. and there are plenty of places for him to hide. thanks again
  2. frank__37

    Snowflake moray

    thanks ill do that
  3. frank__37

    Snowflake moray

    hey guys I got a question for you. I just put my eel in my tank today and it was acting very shy. All of a sudden he started swimming all over the tank very rapidly. is there something wrong with him or is this typical of snowflakes?
  4. frank__37

    snowflake moray

    I just recently added a snowflake moray to my tank and it was acting very shy. Now all of a sudden he is swimming all over the tank at a rapid pace. Is there something wrong with him or is this typical of snowflakes?
  5. frank__37

    eels and triggers?

    I have a huma huma trigger who is very active, but recently i introduced a snowflake into my tank and I havent seen my trigger lately. I know my trigger is still around because every once in a while I can see a flash of him in one of the ornaments in the tank. Is this because triggers are...