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  1. dick525

    Hello from Freezing Miami

    Actually about 68°F. I have a 29gal reef with a 6-line wrasse among other inhabitants. Three days ago I introduced a Royal Gramma and everything was fine until yesterday when the wrasse began attacking it everytime it comes out of hiding. Is this going to happen forever, Thanx in advance.
  2. dick525

    Sponge keeping

    Can anyone share any info on requirements for keeping sponges? I'm considering adding a blue one to my reef. Thanx; ****
  3. dick525

    Sponge keeping

    Can anyone share any info on requirements for keeping sponges? I'm considering adding a blue one to my reef. Thanx; ****
  4. dick525

    newbie question!!!

    Hello everyone.I have cycled three freshwater tanks and one saltwater tank without a single fish. Ammonium Chloride and Stress Zime is what I used in each one and have had success with all four tanks. Just add moderate amounts of AC every three days and wait until the nitrifying bacteria do...
  5. dick525

    I want 2 Cardinal fish....will they fight??

    I too have a 29gal and I purchased three Banghaii Cardinals. Within two days two of them began to harrass the other at feeding time and eventually attacked it every chance they had. It look like it had been through "Operation Anaconda", it's fins were torn and it was hiding behind rocks and...
  6. dick525

    Open Brainer

    Thanx for replying! My tank is a 29gal with ±37lbs of LR,50/50 130w Power compact and has been running for 4 months. NO2=0, NO3=0, Ammo=0,PH=8.3,SG=1.024, Temp=80deg. Never sampled any other parameter. 1 Sally crab, 1 Coral Banded shrimp, 2 Perculas, 2 Banghaii, 1 6-lined wrasse, some snails and...
  7. dick525

    Open Brainer

    Hello everyone! I finally got the open brain coral I wanted today. It's a very nice fluorescent green of about 1.5"-2" . The person who sold it to me said I should consider adding Strontium and Calcium supplements to assure a healthy coral. If anyone has an opinion on this matter, I would be...
  8. dick525

    6-line nasty habit

    Hello everyone! I have a 29gal in wich lived 13 blue-leg hermits. Little by little they began disappearing. One night, when I was down to 7, I solved the mystery. The six-lined wrasse in the tank picks them from their shells when they fall off the rock on their "backs". Has this happened to...
  9. dick525

    Sand Sifter

    Hello from chilly(?) Miami. I recently bought a white sand sifting star. Later I read that these critters will desimate live sand and possibly corals. Is this so? Does anyone have any horror stories I should know about? Please advise. Thanx in advance; ****
  10. dick525

    Sally assassin crab

    Sorry, I can't spell worth s...!
  11. dick525

    Sally assassin crab

    The other Saaly. Which by the way, were kept together at the fish store.
  12. dick525

    Sally assassin crab

    Hi to everyone from chilly (69 deg) Miami. Yesterday I purchased two Slaay ligt-foot crabs to help with my algae problem. When I got home, one of them had lost a leg. I thought maybe in transit. Later already in the tank I noticed it was missing another leg. While looking at the tank residents...
  13. dick525

    Hiary situation

    I have a 29G with +/- 37lbs of LR and 130W PC. I have algae all over the place, even on the sand! Brown, green, red,hairy, dusty, etc. etc.... I have about 10 blue-leg hermits and one astrea (huge) snail. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanx in advance; **** <img...
  14. dick525

    To anyone from

    Hi there! I would like to know if you do business locally or only online. I'm in the Miami area myself. Thanx in advance; ****