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  1. andrewjardin

    Need some IDing please!!!

    That coral looks to me like Stylophora Pistillata or some other closely related coral, just got one myself a few days ago!
  2. andrewjardin

    Question about LED's and what type is usable?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I'm not completely on the up and up as far as LEDs go... However, I can offer a little bit of information. Corals also need blue/actinic light in order to photosynthesize. I have seen a bulb like this over the top of a 3g aquarium, but the guy also had...
  3. andrewjardin

    Question about LED's and what type is usable?

    WOW, this was a much more in depth coversation to come back to then I was expecting, but i'm glad I did! Very interesting and informative points to think about here, as well as a little confusing! So overall using any LED is the same, it all just depends on the colour spectrum output, because...
  4. andrewjardin

    Question about LED's and what type is usable?

    I have been wondering for a long time if you can use regular LED's for an aquarium. For example LED lights you would use in a regular lamp, or light bulb socket such as this********-flood-dimmable-soft-white-65w-led-bulb/952868 ?? I'm wondering because...
  5. andrewjardin


    Yeah, i think i'm leaning towards that too because it would be neat if they actually paired up and mated!
  6. andrewjardin

    Luvmyreef's 180g Diary

    I just have to but in here and state that you have the most amazing aquarium! I absolutely love your aquascape, fish, lights and corals, especially the green palys, they look stunning in there! You are my role-model
  7. andrewjardin


    Well, i can always just upgrade to a 30g, I have the stand and tank and it isn't a big deal for me to do that, then i would be able to add a couple more fish eventually right?
  8. andrewjardin


    I have a 20G, and i currently have 2 Occ. clowns, a firefish, and a PJ cardinal. The tank has been doing great, but I really want to get either another PJ cardinal, or a bangaii. What is your opinion on having that many fish in a 20 gallon? Thanks, andrew
  9. andrewjardin

    Starting a 10 Gallon Nano Saltwater Tank

    Its easier to get a magnet glass cleaner so that you aren't always reaching into the tank, but a sponge (regular kitchen, non-soaped) is cheaper. I agree with not wanting SOME crabs such as hermits, because they are nothing but trouble in a small tank, and you probably don't need crabs for such...
  10. andrewjardin

    Starting a 10 Gallon Nano Saltwater Tank

    Forgive me if i'm wrong, you said earlier that you hadn't yet added the salt, but you have the LR in the tank already? That could end up getting rid of ALOT of important things on the rock making it 'live', so if you havn't yet, you should definitely do that soon! Mr. Limpid is right about the...
  11. andrewjardin

    What about us Canadians, eh? needs to go CANADIAN! It sucks that nothing can be shipped across the border! I'm so close, but yet so far away from the wonderful things on this site! Is there ever going to be a possibility of this site shipping to Canada!? Because I really hope so, and i'm so so many other...
  12. andrewjardin

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    One year this Christmas! They are still so young!
  13. andrewjardin

    Considering an Aggressive tank setup or some type of large fishes

    Actually i think what i want to do is have an eel in here. They are definantly cool creatures! And my dads buddy's friend is selling his 75 square tank and all pumps light everything including an eel and two larger fish for 100$ so i definantly am trying to get ahold of him so that i can get...
  14. andrewjardin

    Considering an Aggressive tank setup or some type of large fishes

    I have a 112 Gallon aquarium which I have been planning to set up as a reef tank, but all things considered I enjoy my current little 30 Gallon reef tank, and could just throw money into making it better rather then upgrading to the 112. And in turn I could set something up and have just a fish...
  15. andrewjardin

    Day-by-Day account of my 8 Gallon BioCube

    Your cycling with saltwater Mollies? Why not just use something already dead instead of these, as you say, 'expendable' fish, rather then stressing them out to the max and killing them?
  16. andrewjardin

    Can someone take a look at thes and try and tell me what these litttle creatures are popping up in my tank...

    Okay, so did a little bit of research and many people are saying that they don't actually release toxins after death. However they often times get sucked into things like overflows and power heads and annoy people that way, haha! Also, people say that they are expensive to buy in their LFS so...
  17. andrewjardin

    Can someone take a look at thes and try and tell me what these litttle creatures are popping up in my tank...

    Lettuce Nudibranch? They are okay if you need a FEW to eat up hair algae, but i'm pretty sure they die pretty fast and release toxins into the water . . Correct me if i'm wrong here anyone?
  18. andrewjardin

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    Thanks, haha it took me a long time to decide!
  19. andrewjardin

    Wallie's 29G HQI

    Is it just me, or does it look to be that there's Aiptasia anemones amongst these little polyps to the left? Oohh, i just realized there's more then one page, so someone probably already told you, or you've probably dealt with them by now, haha woops
  20. andrewjardin

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    Sorry for bad picture quality but might as well share too! lol The female in the back is Coral, and the one closest, the male, is Marshall