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  1. joelle


    i love them i have a immaculate (puffy) lol i kno you are not supposed to get two of aything in tank but i tend to break the rules anyone ever hear of two that get along?
  2. joelle


    ok so basically if i use instant ocean i still have to get the R/o system if i dont have that its better to use the premixed from LFS? I just moved my tank that was set up for a year and now i am getting water from a new LFS and not sure if it is good or not i will test but thought it might be...
  3. joelle


    Hi all: IO was wondering which method you think is better buying the water from LSF or instant ocean?
  4. joelle


    makes me miss my old lion fish....he was HUGE and old he lasted for like 3 years...i reallty love the clown triggers tho BEAUTIFUL...however i have a pink tail now so thats out..
  5. joelle

    cottonball like growth

    i have the samething on mine and just asked my LFS...
  6. joelle

    Pump and Filter ?? help please

    Quick Question about the Pump and Filter HELP please HI GUYS!!! ....i have like litte air bubbles coming out of the pump going into the tank actually looks like salt or like i said air bubbles ...i cleaned the pump, hose and nozzle and they are still coming out ...any ideas what it could...
  7. joelle

    Quick Question about the Pump and Filter HELP please

    HI GUYS!!! ....i have like litte air bubbles coming out of the pump going into the tank actually looks like salt or like i said air bubbles ...i cleaned the pump, hose and nozzle and they are still coming out ...any ideas what it could be and how to fix it? THANK YOU!!!