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  1. coachresue

    Question about sump and skimmer...

    I have the eshopps pf300 which claims to flow at 300gph... Looking at a mag 5? Head height will be 5ft.
  2. coachresue

    Question about sump and skimmer...

    I know its small but there isn't really any other option for me... Do you think the small sump is going to hurt the skimmers performance? Couple other questions for ya... Since my tank isn't drilled I will be using an overflow box, with your typical 1" piping into the sump... With a small sump...
  3. coachresue

    Question about sump and skimmer...

    Hey everyone... This is my first thread, but I've been viewing for awhile now... Here's my scenario... Just set up a 90 gallon tank... No fish yet just live rock, filtered by an FX5. My plan is to do an all aggressive tank with a heavy bioload... My only option for a sump is to use a 10...
  4. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    New Rics, pics coming soon...
  5. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    Here are the pics...
  6. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    Soooo... Picked up my first coral and a cleaner shrimp tonight. Will post pics tomorrow.
  7. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    cable, I don't have a card reader on my computer. Was thinking about trying an external reader?
  8. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    Cannon sd780. Nothing super special...
  9. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    I can open up my window on the second floor and hit it with a paper airplane. They were closed today I'm gonna go in tomorrow and see what they have. Ill try to get some better pics too. I have a nice camera but I can get it to load pictures on my computer. No idea why it just always...
  10. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    I like the gsp idea. Will def put it on its own little island. I also like pulsing Xenia. I have LFS store in walking distance but there so damn expensive and never have good looking zoas...
  11. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    So I want to get another fish in there... Was thinking of another clown but it might be a little much? Any suggestions? Any suggestions on a first coral? Thanks?
  12. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    haha, no most of my questions were answered and I did a lot of research on my own to find out the rest. I just wanted to start a diary and didn't want the thread filled up with my ignorance, lol.
  13. coachresue

    10 Gallon Nano Thread

    I decided to start a new thread. I asked a lot of n00b questions in the last one and didn't get much replies. So here I go... Standard ten gallon tank 2 AC 50's (Chaeto in one, Purigen and Chemi in the other) 50 watt Visi-Therm Coralife 48 watt T5HO's Hydor Koralia Nano 2.5" argonite sand bed...
  14. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Thanks Fib for all the help... I have literally been doing research non-stop! Anyways, here's an updated pic with a sweet diatom outbreak, lol.
  15. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Soooo.... I have been doing so much thinking my brain is starting to hurt... Have a couple of questions... I want to go with softies, mushrooms, zoos, etc. What additives do you put in your tank? Iodine, calcium, strontium, magnesium? How much, how often and do you recommend a certain brand...
  16. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Thanks Nike, I spent awhile putting the scape together and I do like the way it turned out. Anyways... I obviously want to turn this into a mini reef... How long would you wait for the parameters to stay consistent before adding any corals? Any recommendations? There are so many out...
  17. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Yes! Things are new... I received a promotion at work and things have been hectic but of course I have made time to keep up with my fish hobby. Last night my ammonia dropped! I did a 30% water change and my ammonia currently reads at 0% Nitrates and Nitrites are still a tad high but with...
  18. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Thanks Nike. I actually tried doing and arch like in your tank. Just couldn't get the rock to stay the way I wanted it and that's what I ended up with.
  19. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    I'll be doing a partial water change shortly. Hopefully some of those parameters will get in check soon. Thanks for your input on corals. I haven't done much research yet on what types, but I'll get back to you shortly. Anyways, here's a new pic...
  20. coachresue

    New to saltwater, starting with 10g...

    Nice, I really like it... So I received my new lighting today (48watt T5HO, not much and I do plan to have corals, obviously nothing that requires a ton of light). My Koralia nano also came as well. I'll put pics up soon... Anyways, I just did another test... Ammonia - .25 Nitrate - 20 Nitrite...