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  1. kempobmx1

    Questions On Stock?

    In the same tank I have as follows with no issues with too much load. 1 Ocellaris Clown 1 Purple Firefish 1 Flasher Wrasse 1 Flametail Blenny 1 Green Clown Goby 1 Yellow Clown Goby 1 Randall's Goby 1 Royal Gramma 1 Blue Damsel Also 16 hermits, 3 Turbo snails, two pompom crabs, a porcelain crab...
  2. kempobmx1

    Teddy Bear Crabs - Reef Safe?

    To the first responses, no need to sound so annoyed at my question. I was simply looking for a few definitive answers. I was hoping for some information sources, which I still have not seen. What I continue gathering is that everyone knows them to not be reef safe, but I am yet to see someone...
  3. kempobmx1

    Teddy Bear Crabs - Reef Safe?

    We've all heard of Teddy Bear crabs hitchhiking in on LR. Solid information on these guys seems extremely illusive and no one really seems to know their real story. Many speculate that they are non-reef safe, and that they will eat coral and other inverts. I'd like some answers from anyone who...
  4. kempobmx1

    40gal stock list... over stocking?

    I'll give you a comparison and let you draw your own conclusion. I have a 14G BioCube. In it I have two Percula Clowns, a Firetail Blenny, Puple Firefish, Pistol Shrimp and Randall's Goby, 8 Hermits, 4 snails, and two cleaner shrimp. I have a <1G bioball chamber, nano Oceanic Protein Skimmer...
  5. kempobmx1

    Adding first fish after 1 week of cycle and inverts in the tank

    If all you LR is already in the tank and you already have some inverts then go ahead and add the clowns if your levels are holding. I also have a 29g BioCube and also added two Percula Clowns as my first fish. I just had to wait longer because I added 20lbs of uncured LR about a week in. Clowns...
  6. kempobmx1

    Clownfish attacked me

    Interesting. My pair will all but ignore my hand and will even sometimes come play round it.
  7. kempobmx1

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Here's my two week old 29 BioCube. Just put in 20 more lbs of uncured LR so as soon as my ammonia spike settles I'll be starting with a pair of Ocellaris Clowns.
  8. kempobmx1

    Nissan 3g Pico Diary!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm loving the Pico. I hadn't heard of it before seeing this thread. I love my BioCubes and I think I'm going to pick up one of these Picos since it's so cheap to set up. Yours looks great!
  9. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    No worries. At work I have my Canon 5D MkII with a 24-70L f/2.8 lens. That took all but the last picture and it also took the videos on my dealership's blog. The last picture of my 29 was taken with my Canon 40D with 28-135mm lens. Pricey cameras make a difference. Personally I really like all...
  10. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    Here's my 14G at work three weeks ago. I'll try to get an up-to-date picture asap as it's much different now. Here's one of my Ocellaris posing for the camera. 'His' name is Gilbert, according to my co-worker's daughter. Gilbert stirring up some substrate with Nemo behind him (yes I'm aware...
  11. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    I'll look into that. Thanks for the advice.
  12. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    My LFS plays everything on the safe and conservative side. Sometimes I disregard it and go with a more hasty approach but they haven't steered me wrong yet.
  13. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    Ah yes, you need not worry. Once my tank it well established, I'm going to remove 1/2 the bioballs in the bio filter chamber of my 29 and turn the upper half into a mini refugium. My guy at the LFS said to wait 4-6 months before setting up the mini refugium.
  14. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    I'll try to get pics of the 14G up asap. Here's a video on my dealership's blog page This video was about two weeks ago so it's come a little ways since then. My 29G at home is still in its beginning stages. It's been setup about 10 days...
  15. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    Good to know, I'll be sure not to post purchase links in future. I'm a member of an airsoft forum where essentially no one pays you any attention if you don't write with perfect grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I can see how my attempt at quality writing could be perceived as a sales pitch...
  16. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    Haha. Well I'm new to the aquarium hobby. I'm used to sports car and airsoft forums. Maybe you guys do things differently here but when someone buys a car they really like or an expensive airsoft gun, they often opt to share their experience, including buying advice and specifics. Would you...
  17. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    I don't. Am I not permitted to offer a positive opinion of a product if I don't work for the company making it? I had a really hard time figuring out how to solve my temperature problem in my BioCube so I figured others in a similar situation might appreciate some info on this chiller and it's...
  18. kempobmx1

    14G BioCube - Great Experience with Aqua Euro USA Chiller

    Hey all. I just wanted to share my great experience so far with the Aqua Euro USA 12g Chiller in my 14G BioCube in my office at work. I know a lot of people end up looking for an inexpensive fix to temperature issues in a nano tank and I would say this is it. The issue I was having was that...
  19. kempobmx1

    Chiller for a 29 Gallon BioCube?

    Hello all. First post here. I am new to the world of aquariums but I dove into the hobby head first and I've been learning fast. I started out with a 14G BioCube for my office which has been running almost 3 weeks now and is going quite well with two Ocellaris, a paired off Pistol Shrimp and...