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  1. salth2o4momnme

    Seahorse feeding

    We have about 10 hermit crabs and 3 turbo snails that seem to be doing a pretty good job cleaning up all the left-overs. Turning the filters off is a great suggestion. Even in the low flow areas that I usually feed in, the shrimp seem to move away before the horse can really get interested...
  2. salth2o4momnme

    Seahorse feeding

    Thank you so much for the info. I will try the broadcast feeding method. I had hesitated because I was worried about having the 'left-overs' all around the tank causing a problem. I have a good clean up crew and try to remove most of what isn't eaten within a few hours. Any other suggestions...
  3. salth2o4momnme

    Seahorse feeding

    We only have the seahorse for a week this Tuesday. Its thin to begin with so I'm not sure if there is any change. It seems to be acting ok. Moving about the tank but staying around the live rock with it's snout in and out of all the 'nooks and crannys' :D How can I tell of it's eating...
  4. salth2o4momnme

    Seahorse feeding

    We recently purchased a juvenille captive breed Reidi. The notes said it was eating frozen mysis shrimp. We have been attempting to feed it the thawed mysis off a shell (our attempt at a getting it used to a feeding station) and even have tried target feeding with a small syringe. It ate a...