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  1. drichards36

    jbj 28 or biocube 29 - lighting and upgrading questions

    You shouldn't need a chiller with a decent little clip on fan running. I have timers for it to just turn on and off with the big light with an extra hour tacked on each end. The tank stays about 78-80 pretty much and thats in a room that sometimes gets to 85 (I'm the last for the air...
  2. drichards36

    jbj 28 or biocube 29 - lighting and upgrading questions

    Since nobody has responded I will. I bought the JbJ 28 gallon nanocube HQI 3 months ago, I've really enjoyed it as my first real saltwater tank. The temperature is a problem but I have a little fan on the back keeping it managable and I avoid having a heater so it works out. The good, it...
  3. drichards36

    Snail Problems

    I bought a CUC about a week or so ago and had 3 different types of snails in the package. Since then, I've only seen 1 narc snail around with 3 not moving for a while (removed them after the 3rd day, they were dead.) I did some research, and found out they are extremely sensitive and need...
  4. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Well, after doing a lot of research I found out it was a diatom bloom, and, after 2 water changes and a proper CUC the problem is finally under control. The only problem is I bought a skunk shrimp initially and then got a peppermint shrimp with a CUC package from the LFS. Today I found the...
  5. drichards36

    Algae problems

    I believe Xcali1985 has the right idea. The picture looks the same and the fact that the night light stops the bubbles completely also helps. I'll try his suggestion and if I still have the problem I'll bump the thread. @saxman The only camera I have is in my phone and that really won't help...
  6. drichards36

    Algae problems

    I cannot say for sure, the bubbles seem to form off the algae covering the rocks. I turned the big light off and they basically stopped producing with the LED night lights on. The tank is new so I thought it was a diatom bloom but it might be something more.
  7. drichards36

    Algae problems

    Haven't seen them eat the snails yet, they are busy eating all the diatoms in my tank. The tank was fine 4 days ago but this algae outbreak has covered most of my rocks. I'm just worried its getting too out of control.
  8. drichards36

    Algae problems

    I've had my tank setup for about 3 weeks, I just added CUC as I saw this algae starting to take over (I believe its called Diatom?) The tank is the JBJ 28g nano HQI, also, another problem is these bubbles are forming on the rocks and running around the tank. Is this a serious problem? The...
  9. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Its just the 28g nano HQI, so everything is still stock. The aquarium is in a corner so I can't do the chaeto sump I keep reading about . As far as water goes, the temp is 75-78 depending on the day (I have a hook on fan that is on a timer.) PH 8.0 Salinity 1.024 Everything else is good except...
  10. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Today I found a lot of brown stuff growing around my tank. I looked up the forum for beginners and found it to be Diatoms. I suppose I had a bloom of it last night, my LFS suggested I get snails but I asked for alternatives and they said hermit crabs. I got 2 emerald crabs, 2 hermit crabs...
  11. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Yea, for now I'm a ways off from adding anything other then more corals and CUC. I just research then ask the LFS for what to do next (I don't even test the water, I bring them a sample weekly and they tell me what to do,) but, its pretty easy to grasp using pre-made water etc. For CUC I do...
  12. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Sorry the pics crappy as well, used my phones camera to take it.
  13. drichards36

    First saltwater tank

    Hi all, Started my first saltwater tank about 2 weeks ago (JBJ 28 gallon HQI nanotank), spent a few days working on salinity and going back and buying rock (wanted 20 pounds, then 24 pounds, then 30 pounds) and finally got everything working right. Today is the first day of getting fish, I got...