Search results

  1. bigdookie

    Pimp my liverock

    I bought what I thought was a great deal on liverock... and added the rock, not being able to figure out how I could aqua-scape the liverock effectively. I have CUC and 2 clowns, and a fire shrimp in there now. I want to make my liverock work better before I add more fish. What can i do with my...
  2. bigdookie

    What happens when a nassarius dies?

    Do the antennas fall off and harden? I ask because I have like 5-6 of these spike looking things in my tank that are HARD... they were never there before... and i cannot find any of my nassarius snails (yes i know they burrow) but I can usually see the antenna stickin out. Do nassy snails do...
  3. bigdookie

    Day 13: Missing a clown...

    why would it be too early to add the fish if the levels are all good?
  4. bigdookie

    Maxi Jey vs Mag 5

    I "need" a powerhead for 2 resons... 1 to fill my fishtank from the bucket 2 to keep a current going in the tank Both the MaxiJet and a Mag 5 can perform the same functions correct? The mag 5 i saw online for almost $100m while I see maxi jets for under $20. Whats the difference?
  5. bigdookie

    Just got my 46G Bowfront... have some questions...

    I have yet to buy the live rock or live sand. Please tell me if my current plan will work. [list type=decimal]Fill tank up with saltwater Buy uncured liverock and cycle the tank using that When the tank is cycled, add the live sand substrate Add clean up crew after substrate has settled Slowly...
  6. bigdookie

    New Tank: Fish + Coral + Inverts

    ok.. so the consensus is NO damsel, because they are aggressive etc. I am aware that I don't just dump the fish in right away. I should start with inverts and coral first as the tank establishes itself. What fish can I then potentially use in my new habitat down the line.
  7. bigdookie

    New Tank: Fish + Coral + Inverts

    Hello all, I am starting my first saltwater tank. I have done research and have been lurking on this board for awhile to determine my angle. I would like to start with beginner saltwater fish (damsels, clowns etc) but I also want to host soft coral. Coral and enomnes seem to be in the same...