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  1. very newbie

    High Alkalinity

    One more thing, I am about due to pick ups some more salt and have read that everyone has a favorite brand. Anyone here want to weigh in on what kind of salt to use?
  2. very newbie

    High Alkalinity

    thanks for the info everyone. Our closest sw fish store is over an hour away. I will be there on Friday, so I was planning on taking a water sample with me. I'll quit stressing and start looking my fish options over--rather than get a cheap fish to start with! i won't be investing in the...
  3. very newbie

    High Alkalinity

    Hi everyone! Just a couple questions...My tank is now about 3 months old. It is 60 gallons and has only live rock and live sand. I just am not in any hurry to add anything else til it's the right time. Here are the readings for my last chemical tests: ph 8,0 alkalinity 13, nitrites 0...
  4. very newbie

    What should I add first?

    Ok, I'll wait til the algea starts growing and then add one of the reef packages sold here. I am looking at the 30-90 gallon reef package, but wonder if one is better than the other. This one just looked like a prettier looking crew!
  5. very newbie

    What should I add first?

    What do you mean ""algea bloom"? I have no fish and no clean up right now--just live rock. My tank is 60 gallon. What do I feed the fish or CUC?
  6. very newbie

    What should I add first?

    Okay, my tank is up and going, my chemicals all look good. My live rock looks good. The tank has cycled. What should I add first? Clean up crew or fish? Any suggestions about what kind of package to get? I would like to add some reef items later when I get better lighting.
  7. very newbie

    OOPs--very helpful kid!

    We had guest the other night and their 4 year old went to use the bathroom and while in there decided to feed the "fish" in my new saltwater setup that has been cycling. There are no fish in the tank but, he fed it most of a jar of goldfish flake anyway! Also put about a half a jar in my one...
  8. very newbie

    What next?

    I am not quite ready to add livestock yet, I want to make sure everything is back to 0. I did a partial water change a week ago, so I want to give ammonia and such time to build up again before I check it to see if I need another water change before I go on to the next step. I am in no hurry...
  9. very newbie

    What next?

    Hi, I;ve been lurking around here again for a few days and can't quite find the info I am looking for. Maybe someone could direct me to what I need. I have my live rock and live sand in my 60 gallon. It has been set up and I have been doing water changes for about a month. I'm not down to 0...
  10. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    One more question...does the macro algea need special lighting? I have broke down and purchased that yet.
  11. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    Great questions! I was wondering about that too on the QT tank. What size PVC? And I was thinking the same thing about the QT tank, just taking some out of the big tank when I need it for QT fish. When should I add the macro algea?
  12. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    what type of macro algea would I use? I know that probably sounds like a dumb question, but is it an additive, a creature, or what. Sorry for sound so dumb.
  13. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    Can I use live sand and substrate both? Maybe different areas use different things?
  14. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    Thanks guys--I think I can return the vacuum, however, it has a 25 ft hose that might work good for water changes--straight into the toilet!! lol Although I do have a small sump pump that I could use and suck it out too. I have the crushed in the 60 gallon now and thought it might be good to...
  15. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    My rock didn't come today, but I am hoping tomorrow. Still just wondering what to do. Also, I am going to start my quarintine tank right away. Should I start it with water from my tank or fresh salt water. There can't be much bacteria in it yet, I have no fish and only about 10 lbs of live...
  16. very newbie

    I lost my mom this morning

    So sorry for yor loss. It is so hard to lose a parent!
  17. very newbie

    HELP!!! I would like to redo my tank

    There really isn't room under my tank for a sump, and i was wondering if I drilled holes through my floor, could the sump, etc. go in my basement, or is that too far to try and pump the water?
  18. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    Do I put the live rock, dry rock & sand in my tank when it gets here, or do I need to first put it in something else until it cures? The site says the rock is already cured, but didn't know if I needed to do it again. I read it is good to put the live rock in tap water dip first to get any...
  19. very newbie

    Ok, now what?

    Alright, Here is what I have done so far: I bought the 60 gallon tank & set it up. Mixed and added the salt water & started the heater and hung on the back carbo filter. Then I added about 10 lbs of live rock and a bed of crushed coral. This was all about 2 weeks ago. Today i ordered 50 lbs...
  20. very newbie

    Just Beginning...
