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  1. redterror

    A few newb questions

    Thanks for the helpful info! Flower - Thanks! Glad I found this site! I might just go without the sump and use regular filters if it is too complicated. But I thought it'd be cool to build a first sump along with a first saltwater tank. I like how a sump can give the tank a less cluttered look...
  2. redterror

    A few newb questions

    Cool, thanks for the quick response! I was just wondering about the overflow box part because after reading and looking at diagrams it seems like if there is a power outage (I get those especially in the summer) the water in the sump would end up in the tank and then on the floor when the power...
  3. redterror

    A few newb questions

    Hello, After raising freshwater fish for over 10 years I've decided to try salt (FOWLR). I've read the stickies but still have a few questions I was hoping you all could help me with. 1. I want to get an overflow box, one that uses an air pump because I don't trust my plumbing skills enough to...