Search results

  1. cponder

    Wanting to start a 14 or 29g Nano tank

    Thanks for your replies. In setting up the tank, after the live rock/sand, it has cycled. What do you recommend next? CUC or Corals?
  2. cponder

    Wanting to start a 14 or 29g Nano tank

    Is that 1lb of sand and rock combined or individually?
  3. cponder

    Wanting to start a 14 or 29g Nano tank

    I've been a freshwater hobbyist for years on the small scale (nothing over 10 gallons). And even attempted a 10 gal SW tank with clowns..once. I quickly learned that smaller wasn't better! I am considering jumping back into the SW world the correct way and am looking for advice. 1) Tank - I've...