Search results

  1. n05tr4d4mu5

    new reef tank??????????????

    The tank has a built in overflow. I have not purchased it yet. Want to do a bit more research before i do.   I have emailed the shop asking for specific makes and models of equipment, so i can compare on the net. Still do not know the overflow rate gph of the tank, waiting on a reply as i say...
  2. n05tr4d4mu5

    new reef tank??????????????

    went to the LFS store today, they were very helpful, i think?????   The tank i saw there was 100 gallons. (4x2x2 ft)   Managed to get a price, tell me what you think, and what else i have missed:   Tank sump skimmer salt hydrometer pump sand test kit vortec powerhead korilea powerhead light unit...
  3. n05tr4d4mu5

    new reef tank??????????????

    i folks,   yeah, i was aware that the lighting for a reef tank had to be stronger than the FOWLR. thats ok.   I am definately going for a sump, as i am told this will make life easier for me??   Does the coral make life easier for me (and the fish) and is it easier to maintain, in keeping the...
  4. n05tr4d4mu5

    new saltwater tank?????

    Well, i must have been reading the web sites wrong. i thought a reef tank was the easiest to maintain, and that the coral would help lower the Nitrite/Nitrate levels? or maybe it was the FOWLR i was thinking about. Anyways, i know what FOWLR meant, but just couldnt differentiate between that and...
  5. n05tr4d4mu5

    new reef tank??????????????

    Hey folks,   Just new to the site, like ten mins ago. Currently have a 23 gallon freshwater tank. Want to change it and get a 75 gallon marine/reef tank.   I have been doing research ALL DAY on the internet, researching saltwatre tanks, FOWLR, and Reef. Can someone explain the difference...
  6. n05tr4d4mu5

    new saltwater tank?????

    Hey folks,   Just new to the site, like ten mins ago. Currently have a 23 gallon freshwater tank. Want to change it and get a 75 gallon marine/reef tank.   I have been doing research ALL DAY on the internet, researching saltwatre tanks, FOWLR, and Reef. Can someone explain the difference...