Search results

  1. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    It's no problem guys. I'm glad to see that my pictures and video really intrigued someone. The dwarfs do indeed only eat live baby brine shrimp, and the occasional pod. It takes a lot of research, knowledge, dedication, and patience to maintain them. Though it is most certainly not impossible.
  2. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    I came home at the perfect time today to see this going on in the tank! The count is up to 48 seahorses and two pipefish. It looks like I upgraded at the perfect time. Just from the past week (between two males) there are 27 babies in the tank along...
  3. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    Here are some shots of the pair of dwarf pipefish and two more pairs of seahorses! The male horses are LOADED with babies, and the one male is pushing 2"! I think I'll be upgrading to a 10-15gal this spring/summer. I also think the larger pipefish in the second picture might also be pregnant ...
  4. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    The pipes and horses arrived today from ccritters in great condition and acclimated nicely! I received two very pregnant male seahorses and two nice plump (perhaps egg bearing) females. Of the two dwarf pipes, i received one large pregnant male and then a smaller little guy that hid immediately...
  5. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    I just placed an order for 4 more dwarf seahorses (I needed more males the current ratio is like 16 females and 3 males) and a pair of dwarf pipefish. They will ship monday and I should have them tuesday evening!
  6. franco24

    Week 23 Topic: OPEN TOPIC

    An older shot of my male dwarf seahorse showing off his pouch to the ladies!
  7. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    I personally feel that caring for dwarf seahorses is not as difficult as many make it out to be, though they are not for the average keeper. The first major aspect to their success is a small aquarium. Fully grown, these guys are barely larger than a quarter. I keep the temp at 72-73 degrees...
  8. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    Thanks for the kind words! I can see 8-9 and two snails in the picture I provided. Below are some better close up shots.
  9. franco24

    My Dwarfs

    Hello everyone! I've always lurked around on the boards here at and finally decided to make an account. My current pride and joy are my dwarf seahorses, and figured I'd share them with you all. The tank is a 5gal housing 19 or 20 dwarf seahorses. I started with six 7-8 months ago.
  10. franco24

    Photo Contest Week 2 Topic: INVERTEBRATES

    My chocolate-chip starfish.  