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  1. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    My aiptasia is gone! I haven't see it all day yesterday and one of the peppermint shrimps have already molted (dunno about the other one--seems to be MIA). And the mini patch of aiptasia that I saw before turned out to be feather dusters. So far, the peppermints aren't bothering them :) In...
  2. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    Er..that may not be a good thing :/ So far the peppermint shrimps aren't doing a thing but hiding. Granted, it's only been 2 days. Gonna wait it out a bit but if the peppermints are duds..then I may have to take some drastic measures before the mini aiptasias become unruly.
  3. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    Ok thanks for the quick reply guys!
  4. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    Ok, I went and bought 2 peppermint shrimps. Did my research on the mistaken identities with the camel and camelback shrimp and I'm pretty sure these are peppermint--they are quite transluscent and no white lines running down to legs. I dropped one by the rock with the aiptasia and s(he) quickly...
  5. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    Thanks for the quick reply!
  6. lafoo

    Is this Aiptasia?

    This morning it was not visible, but after a few hours of light and it came back out again. The diameter is about the size of a pencil eraser. Any ideas? I apologize in advance if this is double post--I have no idea where my previous post went as I am unable to locate it...
  7. lafoo

    Aiptasia? Please ID...

    Hi, first off -- this place is fantastic and so helpful! We recently got some Fiji live rock. I got a freebie b/c one of the rocks had a watermelon mushroom on it but too small to weigh. I just noticed last night it had something growing next to the watermelon mushroom. Is it an Aiptasia...