Search results

  1. drdrew

    feeding mushroom rock

    need some tips...does mushroom rock need special feedings? (ie turkey baster?) howabout featherdusters? i got the "duster cluster" from this site as well as the umbrella mushroom. thanks
  2. drdrew

    antired vs red foot moon snails

    so i use the antired which i know is controversial at best....but today my red foot moon snails are dropping off the glass and looking really bad. the other snails are fine. any clues?
  3. drdrew

    ID on snails from Florida?

    long tube sounds like a conch.
  4. drdrew

    probably a stupid question

    so, i'm starting up a new 55 gal tank..i've got a CC substrate and so far about 20 pounds fiji live rock that's been in for over 2 weeks. i'm running an emporer 400, a prizm skimmer, and a maxi jet powerhead to move water. i have only the standard 40 watt flourescent light in the hood. are...
  5. drdrew

    flake eaters

    setting up a tank at the office...need to choose fish that will eat flake food since i will not be there to feed on the weekends and will use an electric feeder.....any suggestions from the crowd???? thanks!
  6. drdrew

    photos of algae

    thanks broomer....nice site
  7. drdrew

    photos of algae

    does anyone know of a good website that can help me properly identify my different types of algae in my tank? i have several kinds and i want to get the right critters to eat it all..but i want to be sure what kinds they are first! as another question....what do you feed a lawnmower blenny if...
  8. drdrew

    blennies/jawfish compatible?

    can a lawnmower blenny and a yellowhead jawfish live together? i have the jawfish, and now a hair algae growing. also have a coral banded shrimp...can an enerald crab or hermits that eat algea go with this shrimp? thanks... (also have 3 starfish, tassled filefish, 2 bangai cardinals, 6 turbo...
  9. drdrew

    OH MY...

    will a chocolate chip kill turbo snails?
  10. drdrew


    i have a coral banded added after 2 yellow tail damsels and NO PROBLEMS here.
  11. drdrew


    i did a search and read up on skimmers. i installed a prism skimmer on my 55 last week and it's doing a bang up job, but i need a quieter one. the tank is a bow front corner tank so i need a THIN hang on model to fit. i was considering the cpr or the remora. can anyone honestly tell me which...
  12. drdrew

    pillow starfish

    what can i feed this starfish besides live coral? he doesn't seem at all interested in the meat that i'm feeding my other starfish....any help?
  13. drdrew

    pillow (cushion) starfish (culcita novaeguineae)

    iknow this starfish eats corals so i didn't know if i should post a question in here or in the fish discussion forum...but here goes....anybody in here successfully keeping one of these dudes? i got one a few days ago and he just is not interested in the meaty treats that my other two starfish...
  14. drdrew

    lights for 29 gal

    i'm going to convert a 29 gal freshwater into a mini reef.. WHAT and WHERE online should i go to get good and cost effective lighting?
  15. drdrew

    frog fish anybody keeping??

    i am about cycled with my 54 corner fish only tank that has 6 damsels in it and an eheim 2229 wet/dry cannister...i put in a couple of starfish for fun yesterday... i really think i want to try a frogfish.. i'm not sure which type to try..i know i want a relatively smaller one (wartskin?)so...
  16. drdrew

    hello, algae, and other stuff...

    new guy... was in to salt 6 years ago, now starting up another tank...its about 1 week old...54 gallon corner all glass with bowed front...running an eheim 2229 wet/dry cannister (pretty cool toy) and a heater...that's it. cycling with 6 damsels. no live rock but plenty of dead coral and 55...