Search results

  1. fishlord777

    The Corrupted Wishes Game

    Ever wanted a your greatest wishes to come true? Well now they can! But with a catch! The person below will grant it, but with a bad bonus! You also make your own wish in the same post. And also guys, keep it PG13. examples- I wish for a 500 Gallon Tank! -next person- Granted, but it explodes...
  2. fishlord777

    The Banned Game

    I am banning yu cuz I tink we got dis game from this form:
  3. fishlord777

    This or That

    Pretty simple, post two things and the next person chooses one. Then they post two more things etc. Tangs or Clownfish?
  4. fishlord777

    The Banned Game

    Banned for not ending your sentence with a period.
  5. fishlord777

    The Banned Game

    Banned for liking metallica and because I am new!