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  1. clocksta

    Which filter would you choose?

    I have the tank, and will be purchasing my stand probably this week (just a 55 gal iron stand) I am set on FOWLR, i would like coral but don't trust myself yet, nor do I have money for the extra lighting. I will save coral for my next tank which will be larger, more like 125gal. As far as...
  2. clocksta

    Which filter would you choose?

    I have done a lot of searching and can't seem to find an easy way of building a sump. :( -Ryan
  3. clocksta

    Which filter would you choose?

    Hey there guys and gals! I'm sure most of you read through my thread from last week or so, but if not, I will be working on getting my 55 gal led set up for my first SW tank. I am starting to work on the $$ and will be starting to buy things next week. Not 100% sure yet on how I am going to go...
  4. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    :) Definately will be a reef tank in my future! I have always wanted one but don't want to go all out my first try. I was thinking that if everything goes well with this 55 this year then I will possibly give a reef tank a shot in 2012 :) Maybe a 75. And I will definately check out the books for...
  5. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Well, in that case, clown fish is a MUST. My girlfriend would kill me if I started a SW tank and didn't get her at least one! Lol. -Ryan
  6. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Yeah, sounds like I got all the info I need, thanks to everyone! You guys/gals are great! Now I just need to start getting some money and supplies together, will let everyone know when I begin!! THANK YOU ALL! -Ryan EDIT : On second thought, one more thing, does it work the same in a SW tank as...
  7. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Yeah thats what I was thinking, maybe a nice shower curtain cut and held up with magnets or velcro. -Ryan
  8. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Mmmmk, metal stand it is then!! Can always figure out a way of covering up the stand later on. -Ryan
  9. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Mmm, well, it seems I will just be staying with the filter included for a while. Now, I know SW setups get very heavy with all that sand/live rock...I currently do not have a stand for the 55, would a wrought iron stand be enough? Or would putting out the extra money for a wood stand be much...
  10. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Ooo gotcha! Whats so bad about the magnum 350s? o.o I always thought they did pretty good in tanks I've seen -Ryan
  11. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Hmmm, well thank you all!! 1 thing, whats RO water? o.o And also, if I went with a canister instead of the filter included, would a mag 350 be good also? I know the fluvals are better but they are also a boat load more $_$!! Thank you! -Ryan
  12. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Mmmmk, sooo, ~50lbs of live sand, ?lbs of live rock, a skimmer, and 1? 2? powerheads, current lighting and filter is ok to start. Correct?
  13. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Mmmk. Well it seems I will probably be trying just a fish only tank, at least, for my first salt water tank. So then the LED hood will be fine and I can still use the filter it comes with correct? I won't need like the whole sump-setup people use, right? -Ryan
  14. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    :) Well thank you! I am going through it all now. :P -Ryan
  15. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Sorry for not reading other posts prior to making my own thread. :( -Ryan
  16. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Haha, well thank you for the welcome :) I really would like to do reef but at the same time, from what I've read, I don't know if I could handle a reef tank. I am unsure of the wattage of the LED tops that come with the kit but I'm 90% sure that they are very weak and unsuitable for a salt water...
  17. clocksta

    Hey everyone!! info needed for a newbie!

    Hello! My name is Ryan and I have had freshwater tanks for the last 10 years but never even thought of doing any salt water for how tough it seems to maintain. Well I am a manger at petsmart and i'm sure everyone has already heard of marinelands recalled heaters. We were instructed to remove all...