Search results

  1. jakee

    29 gallon fish ideas

    im putting up a 29 gallon tank and i have an idea for want i want for my tank but just want to make sure it will all work with eachother. im looking at putting a false perecula clown, flame dwarf angel, mandarin dragonette, diamond watchman goby, and a purple firefish (or a black cap basslette...
  2. jakee

    New 29 gallon reef tank

    I'm setting up a 29gal reef tank and would like everybody's input on what kinds of fish groups I can get in there. So far I would like a pair of clowns, mandarin draggonette, flame dwarf Angel. I would like a kind of sand sifter if there is one for that small since moat require much more sand...
  3. jakee

    stocking a 29g

    i will be getting a 29 gallon shortly and need some help on deciding what to put in it tho. this will be my first personal saltwater aquarium but i have been doing saltwater at ***** for about 6 months now. im looking at doing a fish only single fish only tank or a small reef tank. but i would...