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  1. stavert07

    Damn Damsels

    I recently got 2 azure damsels. One is slightly bigger than the other and is bullying the smaller one. Is there any solution to stop the bigger one or must i hope that eventually it will stop.
  2. stavert07


    Hey guys, A month or so ago i got a clown fish to host my anemone. However, he will not go near the anemone and this causes the anemone to not stay out and wither. i was wondering if there is a way to prevent the anemone from doing this and to possibly get the clown to host him.
  3. stavert07

    Sand on my Equipment?

    I recently added 10 lbs of live rock to my set up. When i woke up this morning i noticed small particles all over my equipment and over the opposite corner from the power head. Is this just sand from the disruption when the rocks were added or do i have a problem?
  4. stavert07

    Potential Stocking for 30 Gallon

    Hey all, My 30 gallon tank is slowly getting going. So far, live sand, and 30lb of live rock live in there and the nitrogen cycle is rolling. I realize it will be awhile yet before anything else gets added into the tank but its never too early to start planning. Any thoughts on the Cleaner Crew...
  5. stavert07


    how does the curing process work?
  6. stavert07


    Hey guys, I have heard a lot lately of a lot of people making base rock out of argonate and cemente. I was wondering if this is a good idea and if it is possible for the cemente/argonate mix to become live while curing with real live rock. Let me know your thoughts, Thanks!
  7. stavert07

    First Tank

    Im nw at salt water aquariums, i was wondering what the difference between the #4 and #2 power heads is?
  8. stavert07

    The new guy

    Wow, Thank you so much. That is incredibly useful information:) Thanks!
  9. stavert07

    The new guy

    I don't know which route. I have hardly heard of the sump route. I just knew of the fliter+skimmer route. Any insight?
  10. stavert07

    The new guy

    Thanks a million, Do you recommend an overflow or do you recommend the filter and skimmer?
  11. stavert07

    The new guy

    Hey guys, I have had a fresh water tank for a few years now and unfortunately most of the fish have come to the end of their life span. I recently decided to start a 20 gallon fowlr tank. I was wondering a few things before i started 1. Can corals be added down the road? 2. What is an overflow...