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  1. rustytank

    to those new at this but wants a reef tank

    flower thanks for the advise ill edit it as soon as im sure what to put this is only based on the plan that i was supposed to do with the las 50 gallon tank and ended up with a fowlr due to lack of cash
  2. rustytank

    to those new at this but wants a reef tank

    ive only been in for a year and a half. you can edit it if you like so i can still learn......
  3. rustytank

    The 10 gallon setup i gave my friend, as a token.

    yes it had too much fish so whats left in it are the damsels.
  4. rustytank

    My 50 gallon FOWLR tank (a bit crowded) :)

    all those fish have already been transferred, they just stayed in the tank for a day, so whats left in that tank is the clown tang, yellow tang, the lobster, a new lion fish and some crabs, and two i don't know what, ill take a picture when i get back home.
  5. rustytank

    to those new at this but wants a reef tank

    okay so post deleted and sorry was just trying my theories but thanks for the comments everyone.