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  1. smellfishy


    I only have a 20gal. I am new to the hobby but love it. I have only 10lbs live rock,2inch sand bed snowflake eel, 10 blue legs, 10 turbos, pepermint, 2 sallys, horseshoe, emerald, straberry hawiian crab,fighting couch,serpent star, blue hippo, tube annemon,huma huma, pencil cushion, lunar...
  2. smellfishy

    I'm looking for a women who is a reefer

    if so let me see your tank then let me see you
  3. smellfishy


    I wanted to update my lighting on my tank for the reason. I want to get hard corals. right now I have the lighting that came with the tank. It is deffently not enough for hard corals. I also wanted to know whats better for reef setups VHO or metal halid.