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  1. gabe

    3 Questions- Clean up crew, sand needed, live rock color?

    Well its best to have a sand bed or deep sand bed regardless of cleanup crew or no clean up crew, but however you can have a crew if you dont have sand. I advise you to by some live sand,GRADE 0 Crushed coral{Has two be grade 0 because any other grade willbe not fine enough and just trap debris...
  2. gabe

    Tell me about the sea water

    its good to change about 10% of water every 2 weeks. thats just a guidline. I have a 50g and i usually change about 10 gallons once a month. I try to do a 5 gallon water change every two weeks, but some times i only do one once a month. Give me some more details about yourstup , filter...
  3. gabe

    coraline algae

    All you need to do is have good or high alkalinity and calcium between 400ppm and 450ppm. Just get a good calcium buffer and alkalinity booster. Products like reef advantage and calcium and or kalkawasser. Seachum make good products. Also B ionic has been succesul for most people. Right...
  4. gabe

    The basics of filtration

    Good descripition. you cleared a few things up for me.Thanks
  5. gabe

    Where in the world are the fish lovers?

    I live in Los Angeles and work in a fish store their. The weather is cool, the people are nice, and I can play golf all day long.
  6. gabe

    Metal Hylide Vs. Power compact

    Yeah, but i only have a 50gallon tank. If I have all these clams and corals, than i would have to have less fish do to nitrates. Id rather have fish than clams and corals. All I want to have is about 40lbs of live rock and a mushroom coral and the rest fish. Fish are more interesting to watch...
  7. gabe

    good first protein skimmer

    I have a new 50G tank.I plan to have mostly fish with about 25-45 pounds of live rock and maybe a coral or two. What is a good, realativly cheap{under one hundred dollars} internal or small hang on the back skimmer for my situation? I have an emperer on the back of my tank and theirs anly...
  8. gabe

    Metal Hylide Vs. Power compact

    I just purchased a 50 gallon tank. I have everything but the lights. Which would be better dollar for dollar? Two 55watt 9375K power compact bulbs and lamp for 125.00$ or a true 10000K 175watt metal hylide bulb and pendant for 250.00? Will the two power compacts be enough light to have a few...
  9. gabe

    So Confused???? Lights?

    Basically all you need are the regular florescent lights.Actinic Blue, 20000K, AND A 50/50. This is plenty for live rock and maybe even a mushrume coral.This will also give your tank a better look. All that high tec stuff is for anenomes hard to raise corals ect....The thing that I would worry...
  10. gabe

    decesions decesions!

    All wet/dry filters you never have to change or mess with the bio balls or bio wheels. JuST LET THEM HARBOR BACTREIA. im not sure of any wet/dry filter where you have to screw with the bio media
  11. gabe

    bak pak skimmer

    Thanks for the info guys, but why does it matter if some bubbles get back in the tank.I heard about some bubble disease. Can some one explain this to me? And is it better t have the skimmer with or without the biological filter?
  12. gabe

    new tank and fish

    Keep the lights off in the tank for a few days and attempt to feed them.
  13. gabe

    triggers and snails

    Since they eat crabs inverts and corals, im sure they would eat snails. I probaly wouldnt mix the two but you wont know for sure unless you try it out.
  14. gabe

    bak pak skimmer

    I heard alot of talk about this back pack skimmer/biological filter{depending on model}. I have sceen two in the pet trade. One by Rio and the other by CPR. They look exacly alike and sell for the same prices. Is Rio also CPR? Are these the same skimmers?
  15. gabe

    bristle shrimp and mantis worms

    why are bristle shrimp and mantis worms so undessirable to have on your live rock? do they hurt fish or harm your tank why are they so unwanted?
  16. gabe

    emper angel question

    is a 50 gallon tank to small to have a three inch empere angel. How big do they get ? i heard they get pretty big but the guy in the pet store said the fish would be o.k on my 50 but it wouldnt get to big. Is it o.k and will the fish be happy?
  17. gabe

    tap water for water changes?

    Ive had my 50 gallon tank for 6 months now.I dont like using tap water with a declorinator solution for replacing evaporated water and water changes because my tap water has nitrates. I was wondering what water i should use instead? Im too cheap and dont want to buy an Ro unit. I heard that...
  18. gabe

    cured live rock?

    What does it mean when someone says that their live rock has been cured. What is the curring prosses and how do you cure it
  19. gabe

    Mystery Cloud

    you might wasnt to do a 10% water change to clear it up.However it is normall for this to happen. After the tank has cycled in two weeks it should be o.k
  20. gabe


    if you buy a blue tang and it is the same size as your other agressive fish, than their shouldnt be a problem.however no two fish are the same. So their could be a small risk of adding the tang with the triggers. make sure you have lots if hiding places and keep your fish well fed.