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  1. afiorella11

    Hydroid Problem????

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman As Al mentioned, they can harm very small fish and fry. However, unless you're raising young fish or keeping some of the tiny gobies, there's no worry. You'll notice a lot of critters waxing and waning as your tank matures, and 'droids come and go as well...
  2. afiorella11

    Hydroid Problem????

    Okay, so i'm finally starting to be concerned about all the hydroids in my tank since i'm planning to buy fish in the up coming week. Here's a pic of just a few of the hundreds that i have in my tank. They cover all sides on my tank. I'm worried that they will sting the fish once i put them in...
  3. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    That's the only one i have lol aside from petsmart and *****, there is a petland discount close by but they don't have anything for saltware. the LFS is located in an expensive area so taxes are high for their property. i understand why they have to keep high prices and i do want to support...
  4. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    How would one go about acquiring more critters for a tank. Since i have a DSB of 3" thick and i just want some critters to create movement down there. I tried looking for live sand that had crostations in it but no so such luck and now its too late to add live sand. I'm going to buy fully cured...
  5. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer sponge are filter feeders....quite harmless....they will come and go with available nutrients in the system remember....all worms start off small....LOL....anyway you can get a pic of your worm? I tried but it was to small to see it in the pictures i don't...
  6. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy I can't tell if it's a collection of bacterial colonies feeding on organic material from the rock or a sponge. It could also be a combination of both. Are there any visible holes in each patch of it in the film or is it solid? Its a solid film. The rock...
  7. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by OtherUnderbrink Just a guess... Some type of sponge? Nice looking rock though. I would worry about the worms, you can't catch them all and they have a job to do in your tank. You are going to see all kinds of weird critters in your tank.... oh yes i totally agree...
  8. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer I'm gonna say far as the worm....w/o more IDK...BUT google bristle worms.... Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Looks like sponges. You should probably turn that rock right side up to protect em' from your light. But, that's...
  9. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    I'm More Concerned About The Rock.
  10. afiorella11

    Can Someone Tell What This Is? (Got HD Pictures) Worm And Growth on Rock

    This is not live but i put it in with some live rock that still need to be cured in my 20 gallon tank which is cycling at the moment for about a week. I used mircobe-Lift Special Blend to start the cycle process. I noticed this growing on this rock only about 3 days ago. The pictures are self...
  11. afiorella11

    Live Sand Question? Can you mix Live Sand with Regular to seed it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy Just my opinon but baking sand at 1000 degrees sounds crazy. Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 Welcome to the site! No, it is not necessary! Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Welcome to the site! Glad you found us! I hope you stay a while...
  12. afiorella11

    Live Sand Question? Can you mix Live Sand with Regular to seed it?

    thanks everyone, and i finally decided to just go with the regular sand and just add beneficial bacteria. much cheaper!!!
  13. afiorella11

    Live Sand Question? Can you mix Live Sand with Regular to seed it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by vince-1961 Microwave your sand, bake it at 1,000 degrees and otherwise sterilize it. Then put it in your aquarium, add water and give it time. Eventually you'll have live sand, b/c bacteria are everywhere.Buying live sand merely speeds up the process. Should I do...