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  1. zanadu12

    I got worms !!! What kind though

    will they eat clear slime on the rocks too ?
  2. zanadu12

    I got worms !!! What kind though

    sweet thanks , much !!! ill start my reading about them
  3. zanadu12

    I got worms !!! What kind though

    what is this , i got about 6 of them running around lol. Some are about 1in and others are 3 in
  4. zanadu12

    Red sea and instant ocean food CHEAP

    well my bad . didnt know
  5. zanadu12

    Red sea and instant ocean food CHEAP

    Ok so i was at a LPS and i found 3pks of the limewood air stones for .10 cents. **no selling allowed on forums** I still cant believe it see .10 cents . Crazy . I cleaned the LPS out !!!! Also I also got Instant Ocean flake food and more for .50 cent a pk .
  6. zanadu12

    baby sea anemone ? Maybe ?

    what spreads fast ? The glass or the feathers ?
  7. zanadu12

    baby sea anemone ? Maybe ?

    yeah i have gotten 7 feathers over the past week in hitching LOL
  8. zanadu12

    baby sea anemone ? Maybe ?

    see the white dots almost right in the center of the picture you can see the bulbous bottom to the arms with teh white dots . WHAT IS IT
  9. zanadu12

    Star Fish Hitch HIKER. Not Bristle but what ?????

    HMMMM what is this kind of star fish ? Just got that hitch hiker today !!! along with something that has long clear tentical (sw)
  10. zanadu12

    Back into the hobby , YAY !!!!

    alright ill get that done tomorrow if i can get out , as of right now my car is burried in snow and i hope to get it out tomorrow lol . Darn Colorado snow
  11. zanadu12

    Back into the hobby , YAY !!!!

    no i dont know what kind of shrimp to put in there . just stuff from the grocer or ?
  12. zanadu12

    Back into the hobby , YAY !!!!

    Back when i lived in Las Vegas NV , i had a 125 gal and i had that tank running for i think 3 years . I just got my wife into the hobby , shes loving it . This is her and I acct . So yeah she loves trying to find all the hitch hikers on the LR and in the LS .
  13. zanadu12

    Back into the hobby , YAY !!!!

    Hello from COLORADO US. Just started a cycle on a 14 gallon oct 31st . There is just one thing i dont remember at the start of the cycle , and ill attach a pic . But the stuff at the top of the water