Search results

  1. traxryu

    Please, I need your honest opinions on if this should even be tried or not.

    I would like to set up an eclipse 12 gallon reef. I just want to know if this is something that is acctually possibe. I would like to house a few sps. If this isnt possible, I would like to do a clam or two with some softs. I would only house one fish, a Rainford Goby. The tank would consist...
  2. traxryu

    Snow fishies for Jersey!!!!

    Wow, this is one he** of a snow storm we are having here in Jersey. So what does everyone plan to do on this great day off! Me.... just going to go make a snow fish with my son! Happy snow day all!
  3. traxryu

    Acroporas is a 25 gallom a good idea?

    I would like to set up an Acropora tank in a 25 gallon aquarium. I have a Hamilton 150w HQI 20K ReefStar system. I also have the water top off float devise. My water would turn over about 700 gallons per hour. Tank would only sustain one small Rainford Goby. Do you think its possible to do...
  4. traxryu

    250w or 150w halide for the clams in a 12 gallon eclipse?

    Yep, thanks for the reply. RO all the way. No chance of anything else. So you think the 150w is fine? Its not to little even in the 25gallon? Thanks again.
  5. traxryu

    OT: not *****, but Pet Supplies Plus

    Boy do I here you. I actually work at a pet store here in jersey. We sell sw fish and sometimes it gets bad. The fish orders that we do are because the idiot managers dont want the dept. to look empty! So we have to overstock. I hate it because its so bad for the fish. I try my heart out...
  6. traxryu

    250w or 150w halide for the clams in a 12 gallon eclipse?

    Ive had a reef tank for many years but I want to try something new. I want to try and grow some acropora in my 12 gallon eclipse, or even my 25 gallon tank(its a toss up). In fact I would also like to try some clams in there as well. What my question is, do you think its beeter to go with the...
  7. traxryu

    Anyone have the living color coral?

    HAs anyone bought the plug and play living color coral? Im really interested in it but the pictures that they show on there website are not the greatest.
  8. traxryu

    How to clean sand? Or do I have to?!

    Hey fellas! Quick question for ya. My previous tank had Ich as well as a sand bed. I am wondering if this sand can actually carry this parisite. And If so how do I clean it? Thanks all.
  9. traxryu

    "black algae" in refuge

    Totally off the subjext here but I have seen this "Bump" for some time now and If I dont find out what it means I going to die! hehe, Can you please tell me?
  10. traxryu

    75lb of show rock and coral for sale!

    Here is my email: I live in east hanover NJ, 30 minutes from the city.
  11. traxryu

    75lb of show rock and coral for sale!

    More pics
  12. traxryu

    75lb of show rock and coral for sale!

    I have 75 lbs of live rock for sale. This stuff is prime. Coraline algea and all kinds of polyps are growing on it. I also have so coral for sale. Mostly polyps and mushrooms. If you interested and live in my area I can give you a great deal. Id rather do this than give it to a store and...
  13. traxryu

    "Brazil French Angel" the same as "French Angel"?

    Our distributors for my store are selling a Brazil French Angle(medium) for 65.00. There also selling a French angel(medium) for 45.00. Is there a difference? I cant figure it out. There both the same size and all! What do ya think?
  14. traxryu

    can a Persinifer Angel be in the same tank as a Black velvet Angel?

    I have a friend that want to give me his Personifer Angel. I already have the black Velvet in my tank. Will he kill the Personifer? Ive heard that you can mix them if there from the same genus. Is this true. Thanks in advance.
  15. traxryu

    Anyone try or have a Majestic Angel in there reef tanks?

    By the way here is a pic of my old 25 gallon. Boy do I miss it! I upgraded to a 75 so I could get bigger fish.
  16. traxryu

    Anyone try or have a Majestic Angel in there reef tanks?

    I wass looking into the Majestic Angel for my Polyp and mushroom 75 gallon reef. That is all I have in the tank. I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried one of these. The store I work at is willing to give it to me free and (like all of us) really want to grab him! hehe Also, Ive...
  17. traxryu

    Anyone have any Acropora/clam tank pics?

    I think I am going for the big dive here! I want to do a tank full of acropora and clams. This is my first step into acraporas. I know they are a very hard coral to keep(clams are easy, Ive never lost one). I was wondering if anyone had any secrets of the trade that they could pass on. Also...
  18. traxryu

    Acros, what lighting is the best?

    For all you [hr] acropora(spelled right?) reefers out there, what lighting have you found to be better.... 2 metal haylide 175w 2000K with 2 VHO or 2 metal haylide 175w 2000K with 2 PC This would be on a 75 gallon tank that I want to start doing acroporas and clams in.
  19. traxryu

    copapod pics?(Is that how you spell it)

    I was just wondering if anyone has ever been able to take a picture of these interesting creatures? If so, I'd like to see them. Ive always wondered what they looked like.
  20. traxryu

    Hypo salinity is a what level?

    great thank you very much. That is what I needed. You have tried this and it works?