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  1. babygirl22

    sebae clown

    What is a good hardy Anemone host I can get for my Sebae clown?
  2. babygirl22

    top off system2

    Thanks. My email is
  3. babygirl22

    top off system2

    Is there a place anyone knows that I could purchase a top off system for my fish tank?I know that it probably would be simple to make one but I dont want to end of doing something that could kill all my fishes.
  4. babygirl22

    top off system.

    Any suggestions on an easy way to create a top of system for my 10 gallon nano-reef? Any help would be appreciated. You guys think a 5 gallon with a tube placed above the tank will work? Just place the tube a little under the water, and when it goes below the tube line water will come out?
  5. babygirl22

    Adding water to the tank

    My tank water has evaporated a little, about 1/2" so do i just add pure water without the salt or do i add saltwater to it again because i dont want higher salinity in my tank since its already about 1.024
  6. babygirl22

    Hermit Crab Shells

    What store can i buy hermit crab shells (seashells) or anywhere else for that matter?