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  1. trueplayer

    help with halides

    i run 2 vho's blue it looks good but both mh bulbs were new but maybe one of the ballast's is weak or to old
  2. trueplayer

    help with halides

    i have 2 250watt metal halide tar ballasts and i got them used and they have worked fine i just got 2 new 6500k iwasakis and 1 is brighter than the other is this normal i just orderd 2 icecap 250 metal halide ballasts will these make the lights brighter than the other tar ballasts:confused:
  3. trueplayer

    metal halide ballasts

    i have 2 250watt metal halide tar ballasts and i got them used and they have worked fine i just got 2 new 6500k iwasakis and 1 is brighter than the other is this normal i just orderd 2 icecap 250 metal halide ballasts will these make the lights brighter than the other tar ballasts:confused:
  4. trueplayer


    i have a 100gal and was wanting to know if you can have to much light i have 2 250watt metal halides and 2- 5 foot vho's is this to much light for new fish
  5. trueplayer

    red alge growing on the sand bed with bubbles under it

    i have a 100gal reeftank and 90p of rock and 90p of sand and im getting red carpet stuff all over the sand bed with lots of bubbles under it is this bad and can i cure the problem
  6. trueplayer

    how to build a refugium

    i have 100gal reeftank and i wanted to add a refugium not sure what i need i have 30gal sump now please help
  7. trueplayer

    little bubbles

    i have a 100gal reeftank and im getting very small air bubbles on the rock and sand bed is this good or bad?
  8. trueplayer

    the best place for power heads

    i have 3 maxi jet 1200 and a 100gal tank with 95pounds of rock and i dont know were to put the power heads i put one on the top right and one on the left top and one more on the bottom right shooting up the back side of the rock and the corals just get blowed to much is there a better place for...
  9. trueplayer

    blacklights as moonlights? yes or no

    what you need is a 25watt party light from walmart. a black light is to bright
  10. trueplayer

    coral bandits

    Originally posted by Salty Rick: <strong>Mine hides all day. It comes out at night. I use a flash light to watch it at night. I have had others in the past that came out when I fed the fish. I could usually get a piece of dried seaweed or shrimp to it during feedings. Eventually it came out more...
  11. trueplayer

    coral bandits

    do coral bandits always hide i just got 1-male and 1-female but they always in the rock hideing
  12. trueplayer

    red coco tube worm lost one of its heads is this normal

    one head still goes up and down but is it going to die
  13. trueplayer

    help fuzzy crab eating my starfish

    i added new rock about a 2 weeks ago and there was a fuzzy crab in the rock i thought he was cool so i left him in the tank and last night he was eating my starfish and 1week ago my 2 cleaner shrimp disipeard does anyone know what i should do or if the crab is mean enough to eat shrimp <img...
  14. trueplayer

    help stacking rock

    what is the best way 2 stack rock i have a 110 gal and about 90 pounds of rock and i cant get it to look right it looks more like a wall can someone give me some ideas please