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  1. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    Hello everyone, this is what I currently have on my tank; uv, skimmer, powerhead, sump, heater, mh and accentenic bulbs. I was under the impression that UV will kill the bacteria swimming around in the water and the parasite would remain on the host. So in realty the tang still would have ick...
  2. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    My tank has been setup for 2 months, not a lot of algea for the tang to eat, and yes I did try to cycle it with one tang. Do I produce more algea by leaving the lights on longer? MH 250w 1200 10am-6pm and acentinic blue and white run 10am-9:00pm. Shootonsite, what do you mean by algea filter...
  3. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    Hello everyone and thanks again for the replies. I went to the LFS Tuesday and bought a 25 UV sterlizer. I placed the sterlizer on the tank the same night. The LFS store I bought both naso's that died was the Marine Warehouse off of Hillsbourh. But I bought the UV at Pet Mart off Bush and...
  4. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    I went to the LFS store and they tested my water again. EVERY WAS NORMAL. He said that I could have parasites in the tank and recommended that I by a UV. I never added a heater to my tank but I'm adding that also. Because of the slight water changes that it goes through from day/night. By...
  5. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    I have a total house RO system. But I went to the LFS and they tested for all of the elements except Chlorine, everything else was normal. But, I will go to the LFS and buy a test kit with all of the things in their. And I acclimate my fish for about 30-45 minutes. Also he has been in my...
  6. mac1215

    Fish keep Dying

    For the last two months my fish have been dying. I had 2 naso's and a yellow tang that is on his way out as we speak. I have had the water tested several times each month and there are no nitrates or phosphates in the water. I don't understand what can be doing this. 135 reef tank with only...
  7. mac1215

    Clean Up Crew

    Thank you for the advice. You are right about their prices, because they are cheaper than my LFS. So which packages should I choose from? Or should I choose the clean-up crew according to the tank sizes they recommend on the SFC? Because I was reading some of the comments on SFC saying the...
  8. mac1215

    Clean Up Crew

    I need to know what clean up crew to use in my 135 reef? Right now I only have 2 yellow tangs, 2 blinnys, 4 mexican snails, and 8 turbo snails. I have no corals right now just live rock but eventually I'll start adding corals. Would you recommend one of the packages at SFC if so which?
  9. mac1215

    Problems with 135 gallon reef tank

    I also having 1 RIO 1700 powerhead is the plenty?
  10. mac1215

    Problems with 135 gallon reef tank

    Would it be a bad thing if I cut off the metal halide bulb or run it for 4hrs instead of 8hrs a day until problem goes away. Currently the 250w metal halide is running from 10:00am until 8:00pm. The 1 blue and 1 white bulbs are running from 10:00am - 10:00pm.
  11. mac1215

    Problems with 135 gallon reef tank

    I have a Sealife RIO2100 protein skimmer, is this suffice? Also the tank was a custom built 135 gallon corner tank. Stands about 6' in height, 4' wide and 3' back.
  12. mac1215

    Problems with 135 gallon reef tank

    Thank you all for your suggestions. I will cut the lights back to 8hrs a day and try the other things as suggested. As far as my water goes, I took it to an Aquarium store and they said everything was normal. No Ph or anything. They recommended not doing a water change for an additional 30...
  13. mac1215

    Problems with 135 gallon reef tank

    I have so many problems I don't know what to do(135 gallon reef, 250watt 12000k metal halide, protein skimmer,1 white and 1 blue light). First of all, I bought the tank from someone that stop taking care of it. They started putting tap water in it and the live rock has green algea all over...