Search results

  1. joesanzone

    Possible new fish

    I may want to put a very small hippo in this tank: 75 gal - Kole Tang, six line wrasse, 2 small percula, some soft corals, a couple of dusters, snails, scarlet hermits, xmas trees. Does anyone see a problem with this?
  2. joesanzone

    One Clown or Two?

    I've got a 75 gal tank w/some corals, 1 Kole Tang, 1 six line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, & some snails & hermits. We decided to get a Percula or two for the last fish. Should I get get two or just one? thanks
  3. joesanzone

    How do you tell the difference

    between a False Percula & a True Percula? I'm considering adding one or a pair to my 75 gal w/ a Kole Tang & a six line wrasse.
  4. joesanzone

    OT: Tips on dealing with your IT department

    18. I didn't do anything. The computer did it.
  5. joesanzone

    My apology about sand stars and dsb's.

    I just did the same. I even got the LFS to give me 50% credit! Something is still working over my sand at nite. Maybe those 2 stars I had didn't eat EVERYTHING!
  6. joesanzone

    Looking for LFS near NYC area

    Try Absolutely Fish Rte 46 in Clifton, NJ <a href="" target="_blank"> Absolutely Fish</a>