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  1. looneytoons

    Peppermint Shrimp -Coral Muncher

    I have never seen sexy shrimp sold online. I've only seen them in some saltwater stores.
  2. looneytoons

    Peppermint Shrimp -Coral Muncher

    Absolutely sure it is a peppermint shrimp. Sexy are smaller and have pink spots all over them and wave their tails all day.
  3. looneytoons

    Peppermint Shrimp -Coral Muncher

    I was watching T.V last and happend to glance at my tank. MY PEPPERMINT SHRIMP WAS ALL OVER MY ELEGANCE CORAL. At first I thought he was just walking across it, but I saw little flouescent green particles coming from his grubby pinchers or whatever they have. Needless to say he was gone in...
  4. looneytoons

    Next Coral!!!!

    Whats a good coral to buy. I have mushrooms and a torch coral. They are all doing great. What should I get next??? I want something colorful and medium size. Any suggestions???? 75 gall maroon clown yellow tang B/W stripe damsel Various mushrooms torch coral Sponge hermits snails shrimp...
  5. looneytoons

    sexy shrimp

    Does anybody have a sexy shrimp. Do you need any special food for them. Are there any special requirements. Advice Please!!!
  6. looneytoons

    Advice Please!!!!

    I've had my 75 gal. tank for about 7 weeks. It went through a mild cycle. I started out with 30 lbs of live rock and have slowly added to it. I'm now up to 50 lbs. I have the two original damsels that I cycled the tank, 1 cleaner shrimp, two peppermint shrimp, one emerald crab, at least 30...
  7. looneytoons

    Canopy and Glass Top????????

    Now that I have a new VHO light arrangement mounted in my canopy on my 75 gallon tank, do I still leave the glass top on. Is the canopy enough. I have waterproof endcaps.???????????? "Learning what not to do is the fun part"
  8. looneytoons

    Bahama star fish

    Will a bahama star eat corals?????
  9. looneytoons

    Bad Things????

    I shop at various stores in Tulsa,Ok
  10. looneytoons

    Bad Things????

    I found a hairy black crab in one of my live rocks. Its about 1 - 1.5 inches. It only comes out at night. Is this a stone crab. Could it be dangerous. I also found a little starfish. It is yellowish-brown. It looks kinda deformed. Two of its legs are not seperated. Well are these tag alongs...
  11. looneytoons

    Are these aptasia's??????

    I have these things growing on my live rock that look like aptasia, but they are red. I was under the impression that aptasia were light brown or tan. I would hate to eradicate these things if they are not harmful. What could they be??????
  12. looneytoons

    Soft Cycle????

    What is going on???. I 've had my aquarium for almost 4 weeks and not much is happening. I have two damsels that are trucking along with no problem (except that I'll probaly have a hard time getting rid of them), 50 pounds of live rock, shale/sand(no live) bed, 3 scarlet hermits, 5 blue legs...