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  1. fish therapist

    Hole in leather

    Is it in the stem center? Or the center top? They have been known to branch off into 2 parts,I thought mine was doing it but it eventually decided against the change.But hey if it looks healthy and is acting fine then let it do what it wants to do cause they really don't care what we'd prefer...
  2. fish therapist

    Raising calcium levels

    I think I'm gonna try another test kit.I seem to find it hard to believe with the corals doing so well and the frequent water changes that it could be that low.I'm also gonna test my fish only tank that doesn't recieve any supplements and see what that says.
  3. fish therapist

    Who/what got you into this hobby?

    Girlfriend suprised me with a 1.5 gallon desktop tank for a betta,loved that,month later I got a african cichlid tank going.year later drained it and wanted to go to salt(reef was still on the back burner)Ended up with inverts in there pretty much before any salt fish.Now I have several reef and...
  4. fish therapist

    Raising calcium levels

    My yr old 30 gallon reef tank can't seem to keep the calcium up.I test weekly and all top off water has liquid calc. in it.Anyone have experiance with the instant ocean salt mix being low on calcium cause I had used coralife before and calcium levels where high then.With all the caclium...