Search results

  1. indy mike

    Reef tank: 4ft long,

    I have the 150 and really like it. I am running 2 250 watt MH and 2 110 VHO Atinic. The ligting is fine for the 30" depth. You can stack the live rock high and also have a nice depth front to back. the others might be fine too. I don't know, have a good one
  2. indy mike

    Debate - best book on coral

    Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman, Helped me tremendously. You can research which corals you might like to own and make sure your set up will handle them. I recommend it!!! Have a good one ;)
  3. indy mike

    any suggestions for new coral???

    I'd also go with the mushrooms and maybe a nice leather. They grow pretty quick and are interesting Have fun
  4. indy mike

    Actinics lighting my house

    Thats pretty common, mine lights up the whole front of the house and the neibors said it looks like Aliens in the Living Room. Tell your friends that you are not growing any weed but you could do a real good job if ya wanted to. have a good one. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0"...
  5. indy mike

    Central indiana fish stores

    Premium Aquatics is good they specialize in reefs and are very knowledgeable but they run out of live stock pretty fast. The Abyss on the north side, prices way too high Pet Warehouse in Greenwood, Good prices and some neat stuff, pretty good selection of coral. Uncle Bills in Greenwood, This is...
  6. indy mike

    Help on Galaxia coral please

    I'd put it up toward the top but more importantly put it away from other corals, They are agressive and have a very long reach with their sweeper tentacles. My chubby plate got stung and a peice of it died. Ouch HTH
  7. indy mike

    opinions on a coral beauty in a reef tank?

    I have one that is completely harmless. He swims in and out of the live and picks at algae but is never agressive with the other fish. I have a dottyback that is territorial and the coral beauty just ignors him and goes about his business. I think they are one of the cooler looking fish for a...
  8. indy mike

    peppermint shrimp AWOL

    Mine came up missing for a month and a half. They hide very well. do the flashlight thing and you'll probably see them
  9. indy mike

    turn over per hour

    I am running 7 1/3 times per hour throgh the sump and back into the tank. I also have a Big powerhead for motion in the tank. If something goes wrong in my tank it is going to go wrong fast and furious, so far no floods. HTH Mike
  10. indy mike

    The greatest words ever spoken.

    Great Blue Marlin, My wife pretends to complain about my 150 and why do I spend so much time with it. The funny thing is you would have thought there was an international emergency when she frantically called me on my cell when a green chromis swam into the overflow box. I had to walk her...
  11. indy mike

    OT: What's Your Favorite Quote/Saying?

    Demo, I went back and read yours, did you change it because I thought it said "he who dies with the most still dies" Maybe I got you mixed up with someone else. That eternity one is good, keeps us all in line, well we try anyway. have a good one, Mike :p
  12. indy mike

    OT: What's Your Favorite Quote/Saying?

    Demo, you always crack me up. You are to young for that to be your favorite saying. OK,Here mine. " If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all", I learned this from my dad
  13. indy mike

    Feeding Frog's Spawn

    I really appreciate all your replies. I don't have to worry anymore. I am amazed by these animals. Mike
  14. indy mike

    Feeding Frog's Spawn

    I just got a new Frog's Pawn coral and was wondering what to feed it and how often. My book says they need supplental feeding but doesn't go any further. Your help would be appreciated, Thanks. :p
  15. indy mike

    Mr Salty and Broomer5 Please Read

    Demo, You are all over it, This looks interesting. I would like to be an active member but not in chage of anything. Keep me informed Thanks
  16. indy mike

    Question on bubble coral

    I put my first corals in my tank last Saturday. A bubble coral and some pulsing xenia. The bubble is expanding nicely when we turn on the lights. Tonight it excreting brown strings of mucus. There is a good amount of it coming out of the coral and floating around the tank. Do you know what is...
  17. indy mike

    What do u think of the combined hoods VHO and MH

    Hi Zack: I bought a 48" Hamilton Hood with 2 250 watt MH and 2 110 vho atinic. I am very happy with it and the workmanship is great. I paid 700.00 Thanks and good luck
  18. indy mike

    hair algae

    Sorry RMD I see you already have one of those, Well dis regard my last post if it is not working.
  19. indy mike

    hair algae

    try a Sally Lightfoot Crab. Mine stays very busy picking algae of the live rock, they are fun to watch. So far it has left my Bubble coral and Xenia alone but I just put them in last Saturday. Good Luck
  20. indy mike


    I have 2 e-mails, my home is and work which is where I am now is I put some pulsing Xenia and a bubble coral in my tank Saturday. The Xenia seems to already be growing. The Bubble I don't know what is going on there. It sends out strings later in...