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  1. rjohnson

    Damsels Dying

    the fish had only been in the store for 1 day. I have live rock and live sand in the tank. No salt has been added since i set up the tank. Salinity reading is 1.22. I recently added ph buffer as it was reading 8.4. The seem to be breating ok, but turn a dark color just before they died
  2. rjohnson

    Damsels Dying

    My tank is about 2 months old, and I put in damsels on friday. Only 2 are left alive, I tested the water and the readings are: ph 8.1 amonia 0, nitrite .05, nitrate 1, the one fish left has really swollen looking lips. Can anyone tell me what could be wrong?
  3. rjohnson

    wet/dry filter plus protein skimmer?

    I was told that if you have a wet/dry filter you don't need a protein skimmer. I have live rock, live sand so far, am waiting for tank to cycle. Do I need both items?