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  1. big trigger

    compatibility not on any charts

    I think those cowfish are realy cool. I have a new reef tank myself and that is a good question. I'm new to this discussion board but it looks like only certain questions get answered here. There seems to be a little group of fish people who only help each other;-( No offense to anyone out...
  2. big trigger

    Dead Hippo Tang

    The first two fish I added to my 75gal RT i blacked striped clown and i hippo tang. Both small. They got along just fine. After 2 days the tang stopped eating and started growing a white substance near his one eye. The next day the tang was hanging near the bottom of the the tank behind live...
  3. big trigger

    Reef Lights / help!

    Hello Everyone, The more I read the more I am confused by lights for my new Reef tank. I have had no problems with my water readings. In my 75 gallon I have 1 small hippo tang and 1 small black striped clown fish. 1 small sally lightfoot and 2 turbo snails. No live corals or anemmonies...
  4. big trigger

    Looking Great!

    I took a little of everyone's advice and my 90 gal reef tank is looking greaaaaaaaaaaaaat! Thanks so much for you help. I will continue to read the new posts on this board to educate myself. Going to upgrade to better lighting today! WIsh em luck! Big Trigger
  5. big trigger


    Steve, Thanks for the info. As far as upgrading the lighting,,,do I add a new type of light the the exsisting hood? Dom
  6. big trigger

    Just like riding a bike???

    Hello Everyone, I think this site is great and it has been very useful to me. I had a fish only salt water tank in the mid 80's and had tremendous success with it. I cannot beleive the progress since. I have not had a tank for 10 years. I recently bought a new 75 gallon with complete setup...