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  1. kassy

    OT: Troops in Iraq Christmas Q

    This may sound funny, but I had heard that a lot of people were sending flea collars in their care packages. Seems that fleas an issue in the sand over there and they were putting them around their ankles to ward off unwanted hitchhikers - now I don't know this as a fact just something I had heard.
  2. kassy

    Green Chromis Aggresive?

    I have a shoal in each of my 55 gallon tanks they are peaceful they get along and they leave everyone else in the tank alone I will add that each group was made up over time adding 2 or 3 here and there I did loose 2 or 3 total along the way but now they've been together for 8 months and they...
  3. kassy

    do fish travel well? moving

    thank you for all the responses got some good ideas and will continue to check into it. Thanks again.
  4. kassy

    do fish travel well? moving

    I may have to relocate in 2 mos. 1400 miles to be exact I have 3 tanks and I hate to have to part with all of my fin friends but 22 hours drive time doubt I could rig a filtration system on a battery backup heater/chiller etc has anyone ever moved and taken them a far distance???
  5. kassy

    thanks for all the help...

    NOT with the exception of a few I have asked several question and I THANK VERY MUCH the few people that have answered but for the most part everyone is slighting me and I feel bad I am trying have gotten some pretty good results on my own I came into this second hand not my tanks but am trying...
  6. kassy

    WhAt kind of protein skimmer do you use?

    seaclone I have a 55 gal it's well recommended and you can still get at liveaqueria for 69.00 well worth the money!
  7. kassy

    fish for my tank

    a protein skimmer is a must helped my tanks tremendously also consider a uv sterilizer. read up start with docile fish. Trial and error in the fish department I have (1)tangs with (1)gobys (1)psudochromis (4) green chromis (1)damsel and (1)angel but you have to watch closely and be ready to...
  8. kassy

    shrimp with eggs?

    One of my shrimp is full of eggs I'm sure I've seen this question can't find it to get the answer any change on raising these guys? would love to try although I realize they will probably just be protein for other tank inhabitants but if there's anything like an isolation/breeding container in...
  9. kassy

    Fish Order from

    I placed an order on monday and had it by wednesday fish were in great condition! :)
  10. kassy

    how hard is it to cc-ls?

    Was wondering if it was healthier for the tank itself. 2 years and everything seems fine just hear a lot of people saying how great live sand is. Although I'd like the look of sand I'm afraid to try to change this over and end up crashing my tank or re-cycling after all this time. Think I'm...
  11. kassy


    and yes less feeding help have already that's why amonia and everything else are ok
  12. kassy


    have 2 millinium 3000 filters an a seaclone protein skimmer how do you get macoro algoe or a dbs please help don't know what that stands for
  13. kassy


    macro algea to consume nitrates - I have everything else in my tank fine took it to be tested at lfs - but my nitrates I cant' get them down will this stuff help - 3 water changes into it still a long way to go any input would be greatly appreciated
  14. kassy

    Fish for 120gal

    since your waiting for other suggestions how about a clown fish but these guys aren't that big ANYONE this is a big tank room for big fish wish I did!
  15. kassy

    how hard is it to cc-ls?

    55 gal 2 years old fish only 50 lb live rock 6 fish 2 stars 2 cleaner & 5 peppermint shrimp hermit crabs snails and and 1 very clumsy horseshoe crab - is it worth switching over? I doubt I'll every have live coral but if I wanted too would it be necessary?
  16. kassy

    Fish for 120gal

    I just got a royal gramma today sooo pretty and colorful yellow/purple you can look into psudochromis they come in a few different bright colors but only one of any of these is best in a tank so I've been told Angels are beautiful two of my favorites are the coral beauty and the flame angel...
  17. kassy


    I will definately try that my tang is going to be happy thanks! :)
  18. kassy


    on this subject I have a fussy tang it will pick at the seaweed sheets but not unless she's real hungry how do you go about soaking it garlic powder or salt or fresh boiled garlic and let it soak in the water? Thanks for the advice everyone have learned a lot and I keep learning more every day!
  19. kassy

    29 Gallon Reef

    I posted this on elsewhere but as far as lights go anyone powercompact smartlight very inexpensive compared to others - anyone is this a good reef light - have fish and liverock inverts considering coral etc want to know if it's good enough myself.
  20. kassy

    mixing fish ?

    small yellow tang and I had thought about a black cap gramma just like to color still not sure so many choices and yes tang makes a difference