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  1. rlun

    What should I have on a QT tank

    I have a spare 20gallon and a 10gallon in the garage, but they are empty and I am scared to set one up and just put one of my fish in there. What do I have to equipt the tank with (minimum. My Puffer has Ick and I think that my pink anthios has it to. My puffer started to have spots a while ago...
  2. rlun

    Just Found Out My Puffer Has Ick

    should I still hyposalinity my tank and stop using the Quick cure? On the bottle it says that it will cure a tank in 2 days. (not to seem stupid, but this is my first ICK incounter.)
  3. rlun

    Just Found Out My Puffer Has Ick

    I put Quick Cure in the tank. Last night it almost completely removed the salt like spots from the puffer. Now the puffer is swimming and looks fine. should I still do anything else to the tank or wait and see what happens? I have (1) Lion (1) Pink Anthious (1) Niger (1) Yellow Tang & (2)...
  4. rlun

    Just Found Out My Puffer Has Ick

    My Dogface Puffer has salt like spots all over its body. I figure that it is Ick. I went to the store and bought some Ick med. Will it work and how long? I dont think any of the other fish has cought it bad yet. Need Help