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  1. zuisas

    Need Help Finding A Titan Trigger

    Try the marine center, they seem to always have those. If you do get one post some pictures for use.
  2. zuisas

    Let me hear about your Triggers!

    I have four triggers a clown, niger,picasso, and undulate. The undulate is all by himself and not that much fun to watch so far he likes to hide too much. For me the clown has been the most interesting, he is not shy at all and would probably eat out of my hand if I tried that. The niger is...
  3. zuisas

    Back on the Undulate Trigger!

    I have an undulate in a 72 by himself. When I tried putting a couple snails in with him he immediately killed and ate them. I"m gunshy about putting anything else in with him now so its safer to keep him alone. His behavior is very shy, when someone is sitting in front of the tank looking at...
  4. zuisas

    Clown Triggers----> ?

    I had a huma in a 72 with a six line wrasse, bi color blennie, fire fish, sharpnose puffer, yellow tang, and tomato clown. They all got along just fine. The huma was very small when I got him and was the last one introduced. They are seperate now because I was able to set up a new reef tank, but...
  5. zuisas

    Should I do it?

    I have an undulate by himself in a 72 bow and think your 55 would be just fine. His name is gengis kahn, for good reason. My guy will waste anything I have tried to put in with him in a few minutes, so be carefull about that. He is fat and happy in his own tank, although he is still shy when...
  6. zuisas

    aggresive triggers

    How about putting some of the most aggressive triggers together? Say an undulate and a titan, and or maybe a queen and blue line, or clown. what would happen with two undulates together? I love the triggers, and for some reason I am drawn to the aggressive ones. I wouldnt want any of them killed...
  7. zuisas

    triggers and puffers

    I have a 150 FOWLR with a 3 inch clown trigger, 3 1/2 niger, 2 inch huma, 3 inch stars and stripes puffer, 3 inch porky puffer, and two little damsels. I really want to put a little undulated in the tank, but have heard from some that the undulate will kill everyone else, including the other...
  8. zuisas


    I would like to get an undulated trigger, and have heard that if you can get one from the red sea they are much more mellow. Anyone with this experience, and do you know of a vendor that would have such an animal? I would like to put him in my 130 with a huma, clown,niger trigger, and stars and...
  9. zuisas


    Anyone have experience with titan triggers? Can they be mixed with other triggers, and if so which ones? We have a niger, clown,and picasso trigger in with a stars and stripes puffer and two damsels, in a 130 FOWLR