Search results

  1. obsessivelady

    Lost my ribbon eel

    I'm sorry for your loss....I had 2 ribbon eels and they both jumped out of the tank. They were eating and found an opening that they were able to swim up and out. The second one I found on the floor was still alive (barely) I put him back in the tank and he survived only to jump out again...
  2. obsessivelady

    Fish List for 55 gallon

    What kind of anenome would you recommend? The reason I wanted a carpet is because I had one before and it did really well until the tank crashed. We had it for I believe 3 years.
  3. obsessivelady

    Fish List for 55 gallon

    I will be getting my 55 gallon tank set up in the next 2 weeks. I will have 90 lbs of live rock to cycle the tank. Looking ahead for fish, I want a six line wrasse, coral beauty, 2 clownfish (percula) and I really like the Midas Blenny. This is probably too many fish adding the Midas Blenny...
  4. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    I saw a pretty cool site about drilling your tank for the sump, but I don't have any equipment to do that. I would probably have a local glass shop do the drilling for me. Why is it better though to drill verses using an overflow unit?
  5. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    Thanks. I will look into the ATI bulbs. I won't need to worry about changing them for awhile anyhow, since it will be a long time before I will be able to add any corals. Thanks for all your help everyone.
  6. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    When you say ATI, do you mean actinic? I'm assuming that's what you mean, but thought I would ask to be sure.
  7. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    Thanks for all your input. Would you recommend going higher than the 10000 K? I've read some people go with the 12000 K when they swap them out? I'm just a newbie when it comes to that stuff!
  8. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    I was actually researching the diy sump online and found some interesting ideas. I think I can actually put it all together except I may need some help with the drilling. Need to do more research. I absolutely plan on having a skimmer. I don't know which one yet, I haven't gotten that far...
  9. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    Thanks for your help. I'm going to go with this set up. I was reading some posts about another cheaper brand, but....I don't want to have to make this purchase again in the near future. For me, I'm going to spend the extra money and get the Nova Extreme. I think you do get what you pay for...
  10. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    Thanks for your help. I will look into the sump and do some studying. I really would like to go that route and it's not like I don't have time to research, because I'm taking my time buying one thing at a time and it doesn't matter to me how long it takes. I want everything perfect for my...
  11. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    I'm interested in the Sump, but don't know if I can figure it out. It seems a bit complicated to me. Marineland has a set up though I was looking at. I need things broken down simple. I've taken care of saltwater tanks before, but this it my first on my own, that I will be setting up and...
  12. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    Hi, I just posted this under the lighting section, but thought I would post it here as well. I'm looking at buying the Nova Extreme SLR T-5 light fixture. Total wattage is 216 watts. It comes with 2 10000 K and 2 460nm actinic. I will be setting up a 55 gal with live rock and some fish...
  13. obsessivelady

    Lighting Question

    I have a 55 gal tank that I'm looking at buying the Nova Extreme SLR T-5 Fixture for. Total wattage is 216. It comes with 2 10000 K and 2 460nm actinic. The set up is on sale and the best I've found for my set up that I can afford. What does anyone think? I will have a reef set up, but...
  14. obsessivelady

    Fish Compatability

    Thanks for your response. I was considering either the maroon clown or the two percs. I would rather have the two percs.
  15. obsessivelady

    Fish Compatability

    Hi, It's been a long time for me since my last tank. Had a 90 gal and upgraded to 150 gal with my husband. We had lots of costly mistakes, but learned much a long the way. Okay so I'm by myself now and just recently was given a 55 gal with wooden stand. The stand is in brand new condition, it...
  16. obsessivelady

    Any Advice Please????

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have a friend who has quite a few tanks going and wants to get rid of some. He's going to look into what he has and get back to me. More than likely it will go up to a 29 gal and he also has some filters possibly skimmers maybe even lighting. I know I have so...
  17. obsessivelady

    Any Advice Please????

    Hi, It's been awhile for me. I used to have a 155 gallon bow front. It was beautiful. It now belongs to my husband and I just picked up a 20 gallon. I would like to start a little reef tank and need advice. I'm looking at using live sand and live rock. I have a undergravel filtration that...
  18. obsessivelady

    Hey RoyalShrimp, I ordered 1 yellow striped maroon clown, 1 carpet annenome, 2 cleaner shrimp & 20 blue hermit crabs. I placed my order on line Sunday night late & had an email on Wed saying my order was shipped & would arrive tomowrrow. I wish I would have gotten more, but I had to try this...
  19. obsessivelady


    Hey Sabby, I wanted to thank you again for your help as everything went perfect. My clown is in his new home & so are the inverts. Everyone is doing wonderful & I am so happy with my order from I will always use the drip acclimation & reccommend it to everyone I know. Thanks...
  20. obsessivelady

    Hi, I received my order today from & wanted to let everyone know how happy I am with it. I did the drip acclimation & admit I never did this before.......Will do this from now on. Am so happy with the turn out. My maroon clown is swimming arround & has eaten. No sign of distress...