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  1. nova


    My ***** days are over. I am on my 2nd yellow tang in 3 weeks from there, and this fish isn't fairing well either. All of the fish that I have purchased from ***** seem to be very prone to infection. I am just glad that I quarantine everything. I have fish far more expensive and far less...
  2. nova

    Carpet In Aggressive Tank

    I am assuming that you mean carpet anenome. Anenome require excellent water conditions. You are actually way overstocked on your tank already. I do not think that with the messy eaters you have you would be able to keep your water quality high enough. They also require very intense lighting...
  3. nova

    Will this combo work?

    I would say that a porcupine would be a great choice providing that you could move him to a larger tank within a couple of years. I have an 8 inch porcupine currently abd his personality is amazing. 2 days after bringing him home from the LFS he was handfeeding.
  4. nova

    55 gal fish only

    For a 55 gallon you could always go with a Valentini puffer. The fish are fairly passive, and don't outgrow 4 inches or so. Anything else and you are going to start seeing aggression problems and degraded water quality pretty soon.