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  1. olsenjb

    Please help ID

    Cyano is not normal for a new tank. Sorry...But, I've got to disagree. Not only based on my own experience, but you can do a google search or search any number of message boards for the typical algae outbreaks one can expect when cycling a tank, and cyano is certainly one of them along with...
  2. olsenjb

    Please help ID

    Can't really tell from the picture, but it sounds like cyanobacteria to me. Not necessarily good, but pretty normal for a new/young cycling tank. Give your tank time to cycle, and I bet it will clear up on its own.
  3. olsenjb

    MH Supplemented w/ Actinics

    I'm looking into upgrading my tank to a 120 gallon (4'x2'x2'). I want to be able to keep anything I want (softies, LPS, SPS). My question is: Do you have to supplement MH lighting w/ Actinics if you use 10K bulbs? 14K bulbs? Thanks.
  4. olsenjb

    Pistol Shrimp

    I'm thinking of putting a pistol shrimp/goby combo in my JBJ 12g nano. I was curious how loud is the clicking a pistol shrimp makes? My tank sits just outside my bedroom, and I don't exactly want something keeping me awake all night. Also, to what extent do they it enough to knock...
  5. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    Bought a 900 last night and installed it. When I left this morning, the temp was looking great.
  6. olsenjb

    Nc Dx 12 *pics*

    Very nice...I just purchased one of these nanos. Would you mind giving us the run-down on your system. Additives? Pump/circulation? Is the lighting stock or upgraded?
  7. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    Yeah...I was surprised as well, but that appears to be the problem since nothing else has changed. The PH was older and made quite a bit of noise when it was running...I'm sure it was just on its last leg and was running hot.
  8. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    Well...I'm happy to report that I removed the maxi-jet 1200 and put the stock pump back in, and my temperature dropped right back down to 80. So, I think it's obvious that I need to get a new/smaller powerhead. Now, I just need to decide between the maxi-jet 900 or 600...I'm kind of leaning...
  9. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    Or....My powerhead is running hot, right? There just doesn't seem to be any other possibility. My house isn't that hot. Even though these nanos are pretty much sealed around the lid, the heat should have still dissipated overnight if it were just the lights causing the temp increase, right?
  10. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    I considered's a brand new heater, but I pulled it out anyway, and the temp remained at ~86 degrees. This was last night right after the lights went out. So, I thought I'd give it over night to cool down and see what the temp looked like this morning. When I left for work this...
  11. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    In your opinion, do you think it's the pump? Have you had any temp problems with the 900? I'd like to get the max flow possible, but I hate to buy a 900 only to find out it gives me the same temp problems.
  12. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    I don't know...I bought the tank and immediately put the new pump in. Perhaps I should put the small pump it came with in and see if the temp drops. What is the general consensus on what pumps people use in nanos?
  13. olsenjb

    Pump Upgrade and Temperature Problems

    I just purchased a JBJ 12G Nano Deluxe. I had an old Maxi-Jet 1200 that I used to upgrade the pump. The temp in the tank, even without the lights on, is running around 85-86 degrees. I assume this is because of the larger pump? What brand/size powerhead would you recommend changing to? I've...
  14. olsenjb

    Starting My First Nano...

    I posted this message under the "Nano" section of the message board, but I thought I'd post it here as well since it gets more traffic. I've had a 55 gallon reef set-up for about 3 1/2 years. I'd like to start a nano. I'm thinking of going with the JBJ 12G Deluxe. I was curious how much sand...
  15. olsenjb

    Starting my First Nano

    I've had a 55 gallon reef set-up for about 3 1/2 years. I'd like to start a nano. I'm thinking of going with the JBJ 12G Deluxe. I was curious how much sand you would recommend putting in it. I assume it's not necessary to put a 6" deep sand bed in a nano....especially since I plan on...
  16. olsenjb

    What is this?

    I thought it might be aptasia, but I'm surprised that it could live buried under rock for that long. Don't aptasia need light to survive?
  17. olsenjb

    What is this?

    I'm in the process of taking down my 55 Gallon reef tank that has been up and going for about 3 1/2 years. When I sold all my rock, I came across this thing (circled in the pictures) sticking out of the sand. It has been under rock, and therefore without light, for a long time. I was...
  18. olsenjb

    Soft corals & compact lighting

    I have a 4x65W PC over my 55 that's been up and going for a couple of years now. I have mushrooms, zooanthids, xenia, leathers, star polyps, open brains, bubble, plate, favites, moon rock, hydnophora and a few others just to give you an idea of what I've had good luck with. PC generally isn't...
  19. olsenjb

    Seahorse in Reef Tank

    I'm not 100% certain, but I believe seahorses need very little or no currents within the tank seeing how they are not strong swimmers and anchor themselves by grabbing things with their tail. Most corals need varying amounts of flow in order to survive, so I'm not sure how well you could keep...
  20. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation

    Huh...I've never seen them work that way, nor do I think the theory behind them would work if there was a lift tube. I know they recommend using a power head attached to them when you first set them up to draw water and sand down into the mesh, but then you're supposed to remove the lift tube...