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  1. nicenakago

    Fuge Stinks - Need Help

    My fuge smells aweful. HELP.
  2. nicenakago

    Silicone poisoning...

    Did some sump repairs this weekend. The silicone obviously didn't have enough time to cure before I reinstalled the sump... water is all cloudy and the tank smells like silicone. corals are all dead or dying... and I am stuck at work. Question... Does anyone know if the silicone will eventually...
  3. nicenakago

    Good place to buy sump?

    Anyone know of a good place to buy a sump? I don't want a wet dry... just somthing that has baffles to keep the bubbles out of the display and a place to throw a euro reef skimmer Thanks
  4. nicenakago

    75g SPS and softies - what sea swirl(s)?

    My 75 has been up for a few months now, and I am planing to get rid of my in tank power heads. I have a built in overflow with a 1" bulkhead. What do you think my options are? How many sea swirls should I run? What size? What return pump (needs to pump about 4 feet up from the sump) should I...
  5. nicenakago

    Cleaning Chromis???

    :eek: Over the past few days I have seen one of my 3 green chromis actually cleaning my kole tang. The Kole just kinda hovers a little bit off balance, just as if the cleaner gobi or cleaner shrimp was on his belly... and the chromis swims around him, gently mouthing him and some times brushing...
  6. nicenakago

    HQI Ballast compatiblity...

    I was thinking about someday upgrading my 1 - 400w 20k on an HQI ballast to... 2 - 400w 20k HQI and use my current ballast to run a 400w 10k in the middle of the 20k's Will my HQI ballast work with any 10k bulb?
  7. nicenakago

    Trying a copperband - Round 2...

    Thanks for everyones advice on the first round. The poor fella never did start eating no matter what I offered. I couldn't get him out either until it was too late. There is a bit of good news to this thread... I am trying another Copperband Butterfly, this time taking the advice to Q the fish...
  8. nicenakago

    ID This Tang please...

    Took this shot when on my honeymoon in Maui. Never seen this fish before, Sorry it is kinda dark.
  9. nicenakago

    Neon Gobie with Ich

    My neon gobi has Ich. He is still cleaning the other fish. Should I try and Q him or get a cleaner shrimp? I am worried that if I take the gobi out, the other fish may come down with it as well as there will be no cleaner left for them. Thoughts?
  10. nicenakago

    copperband buterfly - not sleeping?

    About 1 week ago I added my first copperband butterfly to my 75g... aside from my Kole putting him in check for a few days, everything seemed fine... Now I noticed that the Copperband isn't feeding so well... It will only eat live brine shrimp and sparingly at that. I have also noticed that...
  11. nicenakago

    Tank Overflowed Last night

    How? Well the return kept pumping and the overflow was clogged. So my question... The stand was painted with a outdoor latex, but I am sure that the tank is sitting in a puddle of water. I can't get to the underside of the tank to dry it. Will it be okay? Or will it rot the stand and eventually...
  12. nicenakago

    Kole Tang Feeding...

    I just picked up a Kole Tang last night... :D I have researched their diet and plan on taking my refugium trimmings and throwing them in the display for the Kole... but the LFS sold be these pellets that sink... wondering if anyone has used these and had any luck? Also... How long do you think...
  13. nicenakago

    New Fuge - Do I have a problem?

    My 8g fuge has been running for a little over a week now. I run the lights on it 24/7 The turn over rate is right around 32g an hour. What looks wierd to me is the surface has bubble clusters all across it. Should i be concerned about anything? There is no cyano in the fuge a little bit of hair...
  14. nicenakago

    fuge question... flow rate...

    from what I am reading... it looks like 2x -4x is the acceptable turnover rate for a fuge. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? :D does that mean that 2 to 4 times the fuge capacity turns over every hour??? Can someone really dumb it down for me? THanks!
  15. nicenakago

    Sump loving fish - Help?

    I know that not very many people keep neon gobies because of their short life span... but for anyone that HAS kept them... Have you had a problem with it ending up in the sump at night? I guess this question could apply to anyone that has every kept fish less than 1" long and 1/8" thick [head to...
  16. nicenakago

    NEW ICE CAP 400W HQI Electronic Ballast!

    Well... Just got off the phone with Andy at Ice Cap They are shipping in 3 weeks a new line of 400W HQI Electronic ballasts. From what I gather from him... The color is going to be intense on a 20K Radium!. Heat-temperatures are going to drop big time from the bulb and ballast. I hope I can run...
  17. nicenakago

    Radiums on a 220 HQI ballast?

    Hey I just read that the 400W Radiums are meant to run on a 220/240 Volt Ballast. No one is selling these ballasts that I can see... I understand that the color is sweet on a HQI ballast that basically overdrives the bulb... But could we get the same visual results from running the proper...
  18. nicenakago

    New arivals... Gobi slept in the sump last night.

    I brought home a super tiny tomato clown yesterday. And also a Neon Gobi. The poor tomato wasn't fed well at the LFS but is eatting well now. I couldn't find the gobi this AM and ended up finding him in the sump. Kinda funny... but made me late for work. I had to tear the sump apart to get him...
  19. nicenakago

    Another halide thread... Is there a visible change in brightness for more watts?

    In terms of brightness... Can your eye tell the differance between two 175watt bulbs - two 250watt bulbs - or two 400watt bulbs? or is it purely boil down to how much light actually penetrates the water?
  20. nicenakago

    OT: wow... what a picture...

    If you ever wanted to see the earth at night from space... You absolutley must check this out: Takes a long time to download.