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  1. trina

    Dead live rock...can you change it out with new?

    Moby da Goby, A huge thank you to you! I will do that!
  2. trina

    Dead live rock...can you change it out with new?

    We think it is dead because it is so nasty and we have not done a water change in like 5 years. The fish are living fine in there and there are some green brittle starfish. The fish have been in the tank for 4 years. A huge maroon clown, a yellow tang, little baby huma, and a big blue damsel...
  3. trina

    Dead live rock...can you change it out with new?

    I have a 55 gallon with 50 lbs of live rock. The rock is at least 6 years old. Think it is dead, want to put new live rock in, do you think my tank will recycle?
  4. trina

    How many fishies should be in a 55?

    How many fish should go into a 55 gallon. I am under the assumption that I have overloaded my tank. I have a med. queen, a large percula, a small naso tank, a med. trigger, and a 5 inch lunar wrasse (longest fish in the tank)! I would love any feedback I can get...except for "You are an...
  5. trina

    High Nitrates

    Thank you Ed! So I have a plan...hopefully all of you will agree with it. First of all I am not getting rid of my them too much. Therefore i have to deal with this situation. I am going to feed a little bit a algae at a time and pull it out before it starts floating around the...
  6. trina

    High Nitrates

    I am using tap water! I have no inverts, so i did not see the need in using the RO water. ever since this tank was established I have had the nitrate problem. How often can I do a water change? Someone posted to do it until the nitrate problem is gone. How much at one time can I switch out...
  7. trina

    High Nitrates

    I have a 55gal. tank that has been established for about 6 months. I have a naso tang, a lunar wrasse, a HUGE perc.clown,and a queen angel and a Huma trigger. They are all on the med-large side. I cannot get rid of my nitrates. I feed them one sheet of algae a day and 2 cubes of prime reef...