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  1. wildescott

    Purchase from, question

    I do not have an answer, but I know I would not put it in my tank. I sure hope you keep us updated with what happens. I would like to see how swf handles your problem. I have thought about buying a reef package from them but will wait for awhile until I hear how they handle your situation...
  2. wildescott


    Hi, How did you hook up the fans? I am looking for a good way to hook up some fans and make them look good.
  3. wildescott

    I want a new fish......any suggestions?

    I second the six line wrasse. He is colorful and darts in and out of the rocks plus mine eats everything. He just attacks little pellets when I place a couple in the tank. I have had mine in a 10 gallon micro reef for about 18 months and he has been great.
  4. wildescott

    not your typical lighting question

    I have used the reverse lighting for a number of years. Putting them on a timer I have them come on around the dusk and then they are all lit up for me during the prime time hours when I am home and can enjoy them. I thought a lot of people did that to have them on when they were are home...
  5. wildescott

    Flat out, isn't this just the greatest hobby?

    I love this hobby. I had a pistol shrimp that molted about a week ago. It was cool to see his old skeleton in the tank. I have a small 10 gal reef sitting on my counter top between the kitchen and the dining room. I see it when I first come in the door at night and it always great to come...