Search results

  1. angelap

    RyeBread - Macro Zoom Lens for Canon EOS Rebel

    I am looking for a nice macro zoom lens for my canon EOS rebel. I found a used Canon Auto Focus 35-105 F3.5-4.5 Macro lens for about $150. I want to be able to take good clear really close-up shots of corals in my tank. Is this lens good? If not, could you suggest an alternative. Thanks, Angela
  2. angelap

    Pentax Optio 33L

    Does anyone have a Pentax Optio 33L? If so, how do you like it? I am looking for a good digital camera mostly to take pictures of my tank. I'm really interested in taking really cool close-ups. Can anyone post pictures they have taken w/this camera? Thanks, Angela
  3. angelap

    in love with monitors

    I have an ammonia monitor. It changes color at the slighest elevation of ammonia
  4. angelap

    Can anyone ID these critters? (Mostly starfish)

    A friend of mine just came back from Jacksonville FL and brought me some critters back. 1. "Classic" looking starfish - Sandy bround color: I'm pretty sure these are sand sifting stars. I was going to put them in my reef tank, but after reading some post here it sounds like this is not a good...
  5. angelap

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    Here's my horse Buttercup!
  6. angelap

    my little Nemo

    Posted by pumpkin_52483 on 5/6/2003 well thanks for replying, i would like a fish only tank, it has been set up for and running about 4 weeks or so filter and all it has a fuval 404, and two powerhead 802, on it. sand wise, i have about three inches of sand, and probably about 20-30 lbs of rock...
  7. angelap

    my little Nemo

    I just wanted to say that I cycled my first tank with 3 damsels and my 2nd tank with 2 dead shrimp. The 2nd tank cycled twice as fast. Everyone here is giving you great advise but utlimately it is your choice. Welcome to the board and I hope you have fun with you new tank and enjoy it for...
  8. angelap

    Is my brain ok?

    bump :D
  9. angelap

    Hey Tatchia - How's your tank doing?

    Hey I saw you one and was just wonder whatcha doing? :p Angela
  10. angelap

    Is my brain ok?

    My open brain coral that is...:D I just bought it about 2 weeks ago. For the first week, it didn't seem to 'puff up' at all. Now, it is 'puffing up' a little only at night. When I turn the lights on in the morning is is somewhat puffed up, but when I get home in the evening, it is back to...
  11. angelap

    pics of 90 gallon or above reefs

    Wow, how big is that clam in that last picture? Beautiful Tanks!
  12. angelap

    Was my thread a violation?

    It was actually a really good deal that I found on a used 110 gallon tank that someone else was selling. I was going to get it myself, but I don't really have the room, so I was just passing it on so that someone else might get it. Since it wasn't actually my tank, that may have been why it...
  13. angelap

    Purple starfish id

    My lfs just got some of those same starfish from someone in Florida. He is trying to find out what they are and if they are reef safe or not. They are very pretty though. I'm glad I found this thread, because I was thinking about buying one. Instead, I've printed the thread and will take it...
  14. angelap

    Will peppermint shrimp eat xenia?

    I have several aiptasia on the same rock as a small xenia I bought a few weeks ago. The lfs told me to be careful, that peppermint shrimp would eat the xenia and the aiptasia. Is this true? What other method is best for getting rid of aiptasia? Thanks, Angela
  15. angelap

    Was my thread a violation?

    It was the one with the 110 gal w/ all accessories I found. Just wanted to check cause I couldn't find the post. Sorry if it was, just wanted to know so I can avoid it in the future! :) Thanks, Angela
  16. angelap

    Work Just Got A Little Better

    I have a 5 gal FOWLR on my desk. I love looking at it! My boss has considered setting up a larger tank in the office, but he thinks it would be to much upkeep. Maybe I can talk him into it one day Angela :D
  17. angelap

    New open brain coral has a 'wound'

  18. angelap

    New open brain coral has a 'wound'

    I just bought a small green open brain coral. When I got home I noticed a 'wound' and you could see one of the skeletal ridges. Upon closer inspection, I could see something moving inside the wound. It was a very tiny crab of some kind. I removed the crab with a small pair of tweezers...
  19. angelap

    BTA stuck in powerhead intake!

    I just came home to find my BTA stuck in one of my powerheads. It is still attached to the rock, but all of it's tenticals are in the powerhead's intake. I turned the powerhead off, but have not tried to remove the BTA yet. Is it going to die? Do I need to remove it before it does? I have...
  20. angelap

    What is this urchin doing?

    Thanks for the replys everyone. I did do a 10 gal water change the end of June. Test are as follows: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 Ph: 8.2 Until about 2 weeks ago, this was all I was testing for. I started dosing calcium then, and today calcium test showed 600. (I'm working on getting...