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  1. sherwood


    Is it ok to put a jelly fish in with an anenome? Or will something bad happen?
  2. sherwood

    Dont get mad

    Sure why not? If they were for free than i would take them to. You don't really have much to loose! I wish all people were thast generous:)
  3. sherwood

    Powder Blue Tang!

    Would a 50 gal. Tank be to small for a Powder Blue Tang? Thanks FSHHUB for all your help!
  4. sherwood

    Looking for a 50 gal. Tank,in Michigan

    I'm looking for a new 50 gal tank. If you have one that you want to sell please e=mail me at, A matching stand would help to. I'm located in Canton, Michigan
  5. sherwood


    What would be the best type of anemone to put in a 50 gal. Tank?
  6. sherwood

    Now What?

    If i decide not to use an undergravel filter. Than what do i use? I have to have something to cycle the water. Right?
  7. sherwood

    UnderGravel Filters

    I was wondering how trustworthy Undergravel filters are. I've herd that they have failed many times before on some people, but other people said that they are the best choice they maid. I want to know from the people that have them or have had them. Are they worth it or should i do something...
  8. sherwood

    Regal Tang

    Would a 50 gallon tank be a good size to put a regal tang in, i also have 2 percula. Thanks you guys are a big help and i trust you. Thanks!!!
  9. sherwood

    Powder Blue Tang

    Is it ok to put a Powder Blue Tang in with 2 False Percula Fish. I have a 50 gallon tank! Please let me know because i like the way the Powder Blue Tang looks and i would like to add him in with my clownfish. Thanks
  10. sherwood

    Flushing Fish

    i had a fish one time but i flushed it down the toilet!!!!! shoulkd i get a saltwater fish?
  11. sherwood


    What is the best kind of Anemone to put with my percula clownfish? Is it safe to put a Sea Horse in with my Clownfish? or Gelly Fish How mant WATTS of light do i need to have a scccessful 50 Gal Tank?
  12. sherwood

    Clown and tangs

    Can i mix a yellow tang with a false percula clownfish. I heard that they wouldn't get along good.
  13. sherwood


    What do shrimp do for your tank? Should i get them before i get the clownfish in my tank?
  14. sherwood


    what kind of fish get along with clownfish? Can i mix the different species of clownfish?
  15. sherwood


    Would it be saft to put 2 different types of clownfish together in a 50 gallow tank. Example: Percula and Clarkii
  16. sherwood


    What are good fish to put in with my clownfish?