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  1. cyberfins

    MS Gulf Coast area

    Any 55 gal or larger for sale in the Mississippi Gulf Coast or Greater New Orleans area?:D You can email me privately if you want. Cyberfins
  2. cyberfins

    Keep the damsels??

    I can't believe anyone would flush fish. Take them back to the fish store for heaven's sake. You have way too much for a 30 gallon tank. I think only an expert could make that work.
  3. cyberfins

    new tank

    Thank you for this excellent information. What is a DSB, remember you are talking to a novice and I don't understand all the lingo yet. Cyberfins
  4. cyberfins

    new tank

    Now that you mentioned it what alternate source for nutrient removal would you use if you don't use a skimmer? Also what is the best way to filter, a power filter, a canister, what? I've decided not to use the 30 gal., but to get a 50 gal. I think I will be much happier going this way.:D
  5. cyberfins

    new tank

    Thank your for the good information. I will scratch the Tang. The inverts I was thinking about are a brittle starfish, Banded Shrimp, Feather Dusters and I would like to use living sand and rock.
  6. cyberfins

    new tank

    I would like to know how many fish and inverts you can put into a 30 gal tank?:D I will be setting up a low 30 gal. tank with live rock and am mainly interested in inverts but would like one tang or a fish that is easy to care for. I was told to figure 10 gals. for every fish but no one mentions...