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  1. jennlegend

    New tank--200 gal?????

    Thanks for the info!! I went to see it tonight and the guy had is full of water! That was a relief...all I could imagine was getting it home, filling it up and leaking!! What a disaster! Is yours 200g or is it the 135g?
  2. jennlegend

    Corals Spreading

    I would say months. My mushrooms have spread over the past 6 months and have gotten much bigger!
  3. jennlegend

    New tank--200 gal?????

    I am looking to buy a used 200gal Oceanic. The guy is asking $500. Do you think that is an OK price? It comes with a stand and some lights.
  4. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    ^bump Please help! He still can't eat!!
  5. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    Just did another test on water...all are the same.
  6. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    ***correction*** pH was 8.4...sorry
  7. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    ^bump I have not had the lion that long. I got him this past September and he is now about 5-6" long. He has always acted normal and still is swimming around like normal with normal coloring. I just tried to feed him again--no luck. He did strike at the frozen clams, but his mouth barely...
  8. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    UPDATE--Just examined the sign of any trauma or any fungus or anthing at all...looks completely normal. I did notice his mouth is open a tiny bit. Just enough to see his 2 little teeth/fangs. I went to LFS and got some feeders. He chased the goldfish for few seconds, tried to eat...
  9. jennlegend

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    My Volitan won't eat. He looks at the krill and bumps into it. His mouth moves a little like he is trying to open it, but it just won't open. He has been eating fine since I got him last summer. He looks fine, no white spots or anything. He is also acting normal other than the eating. I...
  10. jennlegend

    Balding maroon clown??

    My clown has a big "bald" spot on his side. He is eating just fine and swimming around like normal. I just bought him from LFS about 2 weeks ago. Noticed what looked like a little fuzz on his side at first. That went away after a few days and now he has this bald spot. Looks like the color...
  11. jennlegend

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    My younger sister and me at the beach this summer...I am the one on the right.
  12. jennlegend

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    My younger sister and me at the beach this summer...I am the one on the right.
  13. jennlegend

    Volitan coughed up a lung??

    ^bump Thanks for the advice, Turbo! I know have him eating Nicorette 2 x's a day and wearing the patch at night! :D FMarini, I think you are right. I think he just must have shed his cuticle the same time he coughed. I actually saw it happen and it looked like he coughed out the stringy...
  14. jennlegend

    Volitan coughed up a lung??

    :confused: My lion opened his mouth, "coughed," and it looked like clear stringy things came out. He did this about a month ago, this normal...he has been acting and eating fine other than that. Thanks!!
  15. jennlegend

    Disappearing white spots??

    Thank you for all your help!!
  16. jennlegend

    Cycled already?!?!?

    Do you think I should put a damsel or two in there to help finish out the cycle? If I can catch them, that is!! ;)
  17. jennlegend

    Cycled already?!?!?

    Hello! I set up a 46 gal bow front on 9/14...10 lbs LR and 4" DSB. I added 2 raw shrimp to start the cycle. On 9/21 I added 15 lbs more stunk a bit, so I think it had some die-off. I tested the water that day (9/21) Nitrate-0, Nitrite-0.1, Ammonia-0.25, pH-8.4. I figured the cycle...
  18. jennlegend

    Disappearing white spots??

    Thanks for your help! I have a hospital that has been set up for a month or two...haven't had to use it yet. The lion is the only one with signs of ick. I also have a clown and a few damsels I haven't been able to catch yet. I need to take them all out in order for the ick to die, right? I...
  19. jennlegend

    Disappearing white spots??

    Yes, they are small like grains of sand. They are only on his tail now.
  20. jennlegend

    Disappearing white spots??

    Yesterday my Volitan Lion had white spots on him--I thought he had Ick. Today there are hardly any spots, they almost all disappeared! Do you think this is Ick? I do have a QT, but have never had to use it. I was reading up on the hyposalinity (sp?) treatment for Ick. Do you think I should...