Search results

  1. kamdogg


    I have an enginer goby and 30-40 blue leg hermits and 2 red legged. 2 asteria snails 2 turbo snails. I do clean my glass eveyday with a little algea on it. I have alot of claurpa (grape, Blade) I also now have a 8" deep sand bed in my refug. And now a 30 gal tied into the 30 gal sump. There all...
  2. kamdogg


    anyone else have any more. Come on what do u do mothly. what keeps your nitrates down to 0
  3. kamdogg


    I feed Flake, calurpa, And sea salad. I watch them eat the flake, some times frozen but not very often. When is every body doing water changes. I think I do it to much. 12 not bad? I dont want my corals to die?
  4. kamdogg


    I have had a reef tank for 1 1/2 years. And never had my nitrates stay around zero. I have always had to do a 5 gal water change a week or so. Or when it gets to 12 Any suggestions. 1 Naso tang, 2 green chromis, 2 y. tailed damsels, tomato clown, turbo snails a bunch of blue legged hermits, pom...
  5. kamdogg


    I need to know more info. I just got done building a 30 gal refug. thanks to all that contributed your ideas. I need to full her up now and I was going to put some miricle mud int o it until i saw the price of it. Its going for about $44 for 10# anyway, I'm now going to go with some ls lr and...
  6. kamdogg

    Post your reef tank here

    55 gal starting reef. 30# lr 15# ls 15# dead coral 1 yellow tag 2 yellow tail damsels 1 dottyback 1 tomato clown 2 rock anemones button polups (growing rapidly) 1 sand sifting star. Clean up 1 coral band shrimp 2 turbo snails 6 other snails 2 red legged hemits 2 other hermits
  7. kamdogg

    stacking rock and sump plans

    I was just wondering i have a 50 gal fish-reef tank I have 25 pounds lr. 25 # ls. yellow tang 2 rock anem. button pylups. dottyback 2 red leg 2 blue leg 2 yel tailed damsels. 1 tomato clown, sifting star. 5 snails. 2 50/50 and 2 daylight 40 w lightes. Is it good to stack rock against the wall...
  8. kamdogg

    aggressive and community

    I have 55 gal 1) niger trigger about 4inch 1) fire clown 2) damsels got them when I cycled and there still alive 1 yr later 1) white dotted eel loking thing 2) red leg hemits 2) turbo snails 2) flower anemones 1) round type of anemones 1) mandrin gobie (looks to skinny) 30 pounds lr 20 ls 30...
  9. kamdogg

    white spot things growing

    I have these little white things starting to grow on the walls and lr in my tank it seams that the coral banded shrimp eats them. buit there in some in my sump and places where he cannot get to any ideas. :confused:
  10. kamdogg

    how aggrs r huma huma triggers

    I was given a huma, its about 2" and i was wondering how aggressive they R. its with a 2 yellow damsels. a singapore angel. and 2 hemit crabs 2 snails. 55 gal, 25# LR 15#LS 10#CC, 2 550 power H, 2 Whisper 60. 2 5050 ac. lighting. How do i post stuff every time with out typing it again.
  11. kamdogg


    where do you live?????
  12. kamdogg

    Got Plans for a working refugium and sump

    I am looking for plans I have had a tank for 6 months now and i want to and a sump ect. to it i just got a cheappp. skimmer, I know but its a start. My filters right now are not doing to good (freshwater conversion) I am looks for plans not words any help would be great.. 50 gal. plenum, 2...
  13. kamdogg

    whAT EX IS A refugium

    what kind of maintenece do you do.....
  14. kamdogg

    whAT EX IS A refugium

  15. kamdogg

    Hang ons

    i dont know but can you post pics of your tank and specs. you have a lot of fish.. i have a 50 gal and need o redo my filters.
  16. kamdogg

    adding skimmer ect....

    I want to soon add a protein skimmer, sump, bio balls all the goods but i am scard to do it myself, anyone have diagrams, plans websites ect on the matter. i have a 50 gal. its 48inch x 15 deep 18 tall. set up as a fish and live rock only/ i need more filter than i have .. whats the best. to...
  17. kamdogg

    new hobbyist

    how much was the tank. it will hold
  18. kamdogg

    lost some fish!!

    yes, the stand will hold hopefully its an oak stand they are really strong. I have an oak stand and its is with my tank and rock and all the stuff weights about 2100 pounds. i went to some web site it asks for all your stuff and tells you what it weights. serch for it
  19. kamdogg

    anyone from utah

    check lost some fish
  20. kamdogg

    anyone from utah

    i live in salt lake city i am having to many problems. since the start i have lost about 250$ in fish over 6 months. check out my other post