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  1. melany217

    30 gallon setup

    Thank u everyone :) I was originally getting a 55 gal, then thought of the 30 for space reasons, but wanted the lion and wanted to make sure he would be ok and not alone. I think, if I can pull it off with the space, I will go for the 55gal (the eel just sounds too cool). With that I have...
  2. melany217

    30 gallon setup

    Thanks so much guys. How does this sound (I have read lots of stuff and have a couple of tanks, still I am new to this hobby, 4 months now) I want the dwarf Lion, he is the whole reason for this, can I put a niger trigger and yellow tang in too? How about some fire shrimp? Star fish? I get...
  3. melany217

    30 gallon setup

    I want to purchase a 30 gallon tank, but I want a lion fish (dwarf). I think he will grow to 5 inches. Would he be ok in a tank that size and if so how many other fish can I put with him (some suggestions on the other fish)?